Application Number | 17/02102/FUL |
Status | Application Approved |
Application Valid |
23/10/2017 |
Consultation End |
13/12/2017 |
Committee Meeting |
N/A |
Decision |
Approval |
Decision Date |
13/12/2017 |
Appeal Started |
N/A |
Appeal Decision |
N/A |
Summary | |
Application Number | 17/02102/FUL |
Location Address | 8-10 Market Place Evesham |
Proposal | Change of use from Class A2 (Bank) to a mixed Class A1/A3 use (Coffee Shop) together with external shopfront alterations to the existing shopfront. |
Status | Approval |
Application Type | Full planning permission |
Appeal Decision | N/A |
Important Dates | |
Application Received Date | 16/10/2017 |
Application Valid Date | 23/10/2017 |
Consultation Start Date | 22/11/2017 |
Site Visited / Site Notice Date | |
Consultation End | 13/12/2017 |
Advert Expiry | 23/11/2017 |
Committee Date (if applicable) | |
Committee Agenda | |
Decision Date | 13/12/2017 |
Further Information | |
Expected Decision Level | Delegated |
Case Officer | Emma Ridley |
Parish | Evesham |
Ward | Bengeworth Ward - Pre 01/05/23 |
Applicant | Coffee#1 Limited |
Agent | Boyer |
Agent Address | Third Floor Park House Greyfriars Road Cardiff CF10 3AF |
Condition Details / Information Notes |
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To conform with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. |
Unless where required or allowed by other conditions attached to this permission/consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the information (including details on the proposed materials) provided on the application form and the following plans/drawings/documents – AG/1096-17 P2, P4, P5 and P6. Reason: To define the permission. |
Positive and Proactive Statement. In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant in the following ways:- providing pre-application advice; - seeking further information following receipt of the application; - considering the imposition of conditions. In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application. |
Any grant of planning permission will not confer a right to place tables and chairs on the highway immediately fronting the premises. In this respect the applicant must apply to the County Council for a licence under the Highways Act 1980. The application for such a licence is separate and distinct from the planning process. |
Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Tick here to show you have read and agree with the Copyright Notice.
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In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.
Name | Address | Sent | Reply Received |
Andrew Ching | 34 Crump Way, EVESHAM, WR11 3JH | 30/11/2017 | |
J Devonshire | 37 St Peters Close Evesham | 14/11/2017 | |
Janet Brown | 31 Church Street Evesham WR11 1DY | 13/11/2017 | |
Keith Taylor | 206 Cheltenham Road, EVESHAM, WR11 2LW | 03/11/2017 | |
Roger Wady | 22 Fairwater Close, EVESHAM, WR11 1GF | 02/11/2017 | |
Sally Chestnutt | 84 Albert Road, EVESHAM, WR11 4LA | 14/11/2017 | |
Occupier | 10 Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 | |
Occupier | 12 Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 | |
Occupier | 8 Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 | |
Occupier | Flat Above Karma Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 | |
Occupier | Karma Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 | |
Occupier | The Old Monk Market Place Evesham WR11 4RW | 23/10/2017 |
Name | Organisation | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Angela Tidmarsh | Economic Dev & Tourism Officer | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | |
Ben Lawless | Conservation Officer | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | 13/11/2017 |
Cllr Martin King | Bengeworth Ward | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | |
Cllr Mrs Emma Stokes | Bengeworth Ward | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | |
Conservation Officer | Conservation Officer | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | |
Jane Dobson | Economic Dev & Tourism Officer | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | |
Ms R Foy | Historic England | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | 30/10/2017 |
Parish Clerk | Evesham Town Council | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | 14/11/2017 |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Air Quality | Worcestershire Regulatory Services | 23/10/2017 | 13/11/2017 | 31/10/2017 |
Highways | County Highways | 22/11/2017 | 13/12/2017 | 05/12/2017 |
Constraints List |
Minor Aquifer |
Paper: Evesham Journal |
CIL004 - Main Urban Area |
Evesham Conservation Area |
SWDP 6: Conservation Area |
Grade II Listed Building:1/225 - Town Hall |
Grade II* Listed Building:1/33 - Walker Hall |
Grade II Listed Building:1/240 - K6 Telephone kiosk 10m north of Walker Hall |
Section 52 Agreement |
Section 106 Agreement |
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 years |
SWDP 6: Conservation Area |
SWDP 2: Development Boundary |
SWDP 5: Urban - Unsurveyed |
SWDP 10: Primary Shopping Frontage |
SWDP 10: Shopping Centres |
No associated appeals |