Application Number | 20/02623/FUL |
Status | Application Approved |
Application Valid |
21/12/2020 |
Consultation End |
14/03/2022 |
Committee Meeting |
21/07/2022 |
Decision |
Approval |
Decision Date |
30/05/2024 |
Appeal Started |
N/A |
Appeal Decision |
N/A |
Summary | |
Application Number | 20/02623/FUL |
Location Address | Raven Hotel St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY |
Proposal | Partial demolition of the former Raven Hotel to facilitate the construction of 48 new dwellings and the conversion of remaining Raven Hotel buildings to brine baths and a gin bar on the ground floor and 9 flats on the upper floors with associated landscaping, infrastructure and other necessary works |
Status | Approval |
Application Type | Full planning permission |
Appeal Decision | N/A |
Important Dates | |
Application Received Date | 24/11/2020 |
Application Valid Date | 21/12/2020 |
Consultation Start Date | 21/01/2021 |
Site Visited / Site Notice Date | 21/07/2022 |
Consultation End | 14/03/2022 |
Advert Expiry | 04/02/2021 |
Committee Date (if applicable) | 21/07/2022 |
Committee Agenda | Planning Committee Information |
Decision Date | 30/05/2024 |
Further Information | |
Expected Decision Level | Committee |
Case Officer | Nick Atkinson |
Parish | Droitwich Spa |
Ward | Droitwich East Ward |
Applicant | LPW Development UK Ltd |
Agent | RCA Regeneration Limited, Mr Rob Wall |
Agent Address | Unit 6 De Sallis Court Hampton Lovett Droitwich WR9 0QE |
Condition Details / Information Notes |
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To conform with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. |
Unless where required or allowed by other conditions attached to this permission/consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the information provided on the application form and the following plans and drawings: - AP001 - SK001AA - 88.04 - 88.05 - 88.10 - 88.11 - 88.12 - 88.13 - 88.14 - 88.15 - 88.16 - 88.17 - 88.18 - 88.21 - 88.22A - 88.23 - 88.24 - 88.25 - 88.26 - 88.27A - 2389.09 - 2389.10 - 2389.11 - 2389.12A - 2389.13 - 2389.14A - 2389.15 - 2389.16 - 2389.17 - 2389.18 - 2389.19C - 2389.20C - 2389.20A.B - 2389.21B - 2389.22B - 2389.23C - 2389.24B - 2389.25B - 2389.26B - 2389.27 - 2389.33A - 2389.34 - 2389.35A - 2389.36 - 2389.37 (9.12.2020) - 2389.38 - AP010B - AP020 - AP021 - AP110 - AP111 - AP112 - AP113 - AP120A - AP121A - AP122 - AP123 - AP130 - AP131 - AP140A - AP141A - AE250A - AE260 - AW0108.PL.001A - AW0108.PL.002A - P1509.21C - P1509.22 Reason: To define the permission. |
(A) No development shall take place until a programme of archaeological work, including a Written Scheme of Investigation, has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and: 1) The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording. 2) The programme for post investigation assessment. 3) Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording. 4) Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation. 5) Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation. 6) Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation. (B) The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured. Reason: In accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 189 and 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (as amended) and SWDP 6 & 24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan 2016. |
The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a Schedule of Demolitions including means to ensure that retained structures are stable, weathertight and secure has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved demolitions and associated works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details and the stabilisation, weathertightness and security measures maintained until they become redundant due to progress on the approved extensions to the retained building. Reason: To protect the fabric and character of the retained listed building in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP6 and SWDP24. |
Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, an Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan providing for the protection of all trees outside the site whose Root Protection Areas fall within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The method statement and plan shall include the provision of temporary fencing for the protection of all such trees to be erected in accordance with BS 5837:2012 (Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction). The approved method statement and plan shall be fully implemented before development of any type commences, including site clearance, demolition, materials delivery, vehicular movement and erection of site huts and all measures shall remain in place until the completion of development or unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Nothing shall be stored or placed (including soil), nor shall any ground levels altered, within the fenced area without the previous written consent of the Local Planning Authority. There shall be no burning of any material within 10 metres of the extent of the canopy of any retained tree. Reason: To prevent existing off-site trees from being damaged during demolition and construction work, in order to preserve the character and appearance of the Droitwich Spa Conservation Area in accordance with policies SWDP6 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
A Construction Environmental Management Plan for potential nuisance (CEMP-N) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the development, indicating means of compliance with the requirements of Worcestershire Regulatory Services Code of Best Practice for Demolition and Construction Sites including control of demolition and construction noise, vibration, light and dust. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP-N. Reason: To protect existing and new residential occupiers from the unreasonable effects of noise, vibration, light and dust nuisance in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP31. |
The Development hereby approved shall not commence until a Construction Environmental Management Plan for construction traffic (CEMP-CT) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include but not be limited to the following:- • Measures to ensure that vehicles leaving the site do not deposit mud or other detritus on the public highway; • Details of site operative parking areas, material storage areas and the location of site operatives’ facilities (offices, toilets etc); • The hours that delivery vehicles will be permitted to arrive and depart, and arrangements for unloading and manoeuvring; • Details of any temporary construction accesses and their reinstatement; and • A highway condition survey, timescale for re-inspections, and details of any reinstatement. The measures set out in the approved CEMP-CT shall be carried out and complied with in full during the approved demolitions and construction works. Site operatives' parking, material storage and the positioning of operatives' facilities shall only take place on the site in the approved locations. Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate on-site facilities and the reinstatement of highways features in the interests of highway safety. |
The development hereby permitted shall not commence until measures for the protection and access for future maintenance of the underground brine pipeline crossing the site, including details of any diversion and building foundations and drainage near to the pipeline, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in full accordance with these approved details and the approved measures to provide access for future maintenance. Reason: To protect the brine pipeline which is a feature of local historic interest in accordance with policies SWDP 6 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
None of the dwellings hereby approved shall be occupied until an operational brine pipeline link has been provided to the approved brine baths section of the listed building in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To preserve and enhance the historical character of the conservation area in accordance with policies SWDP 6 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Construction work on the buildings hereby approved shall not begin until details of existing and proposed site and floor levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the site and new buildings shall be laid out and constructed at the approved levels. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character, appearance and setting of the heritage assets and local area, in accordance with policies SWDP6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
No above-ground building operations hereby permitted shall commence until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the existing and new buildings hereby permitted including windows, dormer windows, rooflights, doors and rainwater goods have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details to be submitted shall include the type, colour and texture of all external materials. The development shall be carried out using the materials as approved. Reason: To protect, conserve and enhance the significance of heritage assets and to ensure that the new materials represent quality design in accordance with policies SWDP 6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
No above-ground building operations hereby permitted for the retained listed building shall commence until large scale details of external joinery, including wall/roof junctions, doors, windows and architectural mouldings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To protect, conserve and enhance the significance of heritage assets and to ensure that the new materials represent quality design in accordance with policies SWDP 6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
No above-ground building operations hereby permitted for the retained listed building shall commence until details of dormer windows and chimneys and the position of rainwater goods have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To protect, conserve and enhance the significance of heritage assets and to ensure that the new materials represent quality design in accordance with policies SWDP 6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Before the commencement of construction works on the development hereby permitted a scheme of landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The landscaping scheme shall include:- (i) a plan showing the layout of proposed tree, hedge and shrub planting and grass areas; (ii) a schedule of proposed planting - indicating species, sizes at time of planting and numbers/densities of plant; (iii) a written specification outlining cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment; (iv) a planting timetable; and (v) a schedule of maintenance, including watering and the control of competitive weed growth, for a minimum period of five years from first planting All planting and seeding/turfing shall be carried out in accordance with the approved timetable and details. The planting shall be maintained in accordance with the approved schedule of maintenance. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the planting, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Before the commencement of above-ground construction works on the development hereby permitted details of a precise specification of the proposed materials for the hard landscaping of the site (including roads, paths, parking areas and other hard surfaces, walls, fences and other means of enclosure) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The hard landscaping of the site shall be completed in accordance with the approved details and a timetable agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority]. Reason: To ensure the proposed development represents high quality design and does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Before the first use/occupation of any part of the development hereby permitted a Management Plan for the areas of open space shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall include details of the management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all open landscape areas (excluding domestic gardens). The approved plan shall be fully implemented thereafter. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP6, SWDP21 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Notwithstanding the submitted Drainage Strategy, no construction works shall begin until detailed design drawings for surface water drainage including the routes, flow restriction and point(s) of discharge for the sustainable drainage of surface water from the site have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be occupied until the approved works have been completed in full. The installed surface water drainage system shall be retained thereafter. Reason: To ensure sustainable surface water drainage from the site, in the interest of reducing flood risk both on and off-site in accordance with Policies SWDP28 and SWDP29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
No works in connection with site drainage shall commence until a Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS) Management Plan including details of future management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all SuDS features and associated pipework has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This plan shall detail the strategy that will be followed to facilitate the optimal functionality and performance of the SuDS scheme throughout its lifetime. The approved SuDS management plan shall be implemented in full in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions and the SuDS features shall be managed and maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance plan thereafter. Reason: To ensure the ongoing maintenance of the installed sustainable surface water drainage infrastructure, in the interest of reducing flood risk both on and off-site in accordance with policies SWDP28 and SWDP29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until details of the design, implementation, maintenance and management of foul water drainage works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out, and the drainage maintained/managed, in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure development would not result in unacceptable risk of pollution or harm to the environment in accordance with policy SWDP30 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
The dwellings hereby permitted shall not be occupied until water efficiency measures have been installed in accordance with details first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved measures shall be retained thereafter. Reason: To minimise the use of water in accordance with policy SWDP30 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Before any above-ground construction works begin on the development hereby permitted, details of renewable and/or low carbon energy generation measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The measures shall contribute to at least 10% of the predicted energy requirements of the development. The details to be submitted shall include:- - the overall predicted energy requirements of the approved development; - the predicted energy generation from the proposed renewable/low carbon energy measures; and - an implementation timetable for the proposed measures. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure the development supports the delivery of low carbon/renewable energy and safeguards natural resources in accordance with policy SWDP27 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Any boilers installed within the dwellings and non-residential floorspace hereby approved shall be Ultra-Low NOx boilers with maximum NOx Emissions less than 40 mg/kWh. Reason: In the interests of sustainability and the living conditions of occupiers of nearby properties and future occupiers of the site. |
The dwellings hereby permitted shall not be occupied until noise protection measures have been installed in accordance with a noise assessment and report detailing how noise levels within the dwellings shall not exceed those set out in BS8233:2014 “Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings” and noise levels measured from enclosed outdoor private amenity areas (gardens) shall not exceed the upper limit recommended within BS8233:2014 being 55dB(A). The approved measures shall be retained thereafter. Reason: To achieve the primary aims of the National Noise Policy for England 2010 and South Worcestershire Development Plan Policy SWDP31 by : • Avoiding significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life; • To mitigate and minimise adverse impacts on health and quality of life; and • Where possible contribute to the improvement of health and quality of life. |
In the event that contamination that was not previously identified is found at any time when carrying out the approved development it must be reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority. The applicant must immediately seek the advice of an independent geo-environmental consultant experienced in contaminated land risk assessment, including intrusive investigations and remediation. No further works should be undertaken in the areas of suspected contamination, other than that work required to be carried out as part of an approved remediation scheme, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, until requirements 1 to 4 below have been complied with: 1. Detailed site investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons in accordance with the Environment Agency’s ‘Land Contamination: Risk Management’ guidance and a written report of the findings produced. The risk assessment must be designed to assess the nature and extent of suspected contamination and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any further development taking place. 2. Where identified as necessary, a detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to identified receptors must be prepared and is subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority in advance of undertaking. The remediation scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as Contaminated Land under Part 2A Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation. 3. The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the re-commencement of any site works in the areas of suspected contamination, other than that work required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 4. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any buildings on site. Reason: To ensure that the risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecosystems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP31. |
Construction works shall not begin until visibility splays are provided from a point 0.6m above carriageway level at the centre of the St Andrews Road/site access to the application site and 2.4m back from the near side edge of the adjoining carriageway, (measured perpendicularly), for a distance of 33m westwards, measured along the nearside edge of the adjoining carriageway and offset a distance of 0.6m from the edge of the carriageway. Nothing new shall be planted, erected and/or allowed to grow on the triangular area of land so formed which would obstruct the visibility described above. Reason: In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP4. |
Construction works shall not begin until visibility splays are provided from a point 0.6m above carriageway level at the centre of the Worcester Road/site access to the application site and 2.4m back from the near side edge of the adjoining carriageway, (measured perpendicularly), for a distance of 59m in each direction, measured along the nearside edge of the adjoining carriageway and offset a distance of 0.6m from the edge of the carriageway. Nothing new shall be planted, erected and/or allowed to grow on the triangular area of land so formed which would obstruct the visibility described above. Reason: In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP4. |
The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until dwellings and allocated parking spaces have been fitted with electric vehicle charging points in compliance with BS EN 62196 Mode 3 or 4 charging and BS EN 61851 and in accordance with a scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved electric vehicle charging points shall be retained for the lifetime of the development unless they need to be replaced in which case the replacement charging points shall be of the same specification or a higher specification in terms of charging performance. Reason: To encourage sustainable travel and healthy communities in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP4. |
Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling hereby approved secure parking for cycles shall be provided for that dwelling within the curtilage of each house and within communal areas for flats in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These approved facilities shall thereafter be retained for the parking of cycles only. Reason: In the interest of sustainable travel in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP4. |
Residential Travel Welcome Packs promoting sustainable forms of access to the development shall be provided to each resident at the point of occupation, in accordance with details first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To reduce vehicle movements and promote sustainable access in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP4. |
None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be occupied until the pedestrian link shown on approved site plan SK001AA has been provided in accordance with details first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The pedestrian link shall thereafter be retained available for pedestrian use. Reason: To make the development accessible in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP4 and SWDP21. |
No external lighting, except within individual plots, shall be installed other than in accordance with the recommendations and specifications of a street lighting assessment submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall consider the following aspects:- a) the lighting levels provided at the access junctions; b) the lighting levels on the surrounding public highway; c) need for replacement of any existing lighting units; d) the impact of the lighting on local amenity; and e) ecological impact. Reason: In the interests of highway safety, amenity and biodiversity in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP4, SWDP21 and SWDP22. |
Before the first occupation of the flats served by the specified windows, the ground floor, first floor and second floor windows on the western side of the block of flats hereby approved shall be fitted with Pilkington Level 4 obscured glazing or equivalent and shall be permanently retained in that condition thereafter. Reason: To protect the amenities of nearby properties and the occupiers of these flats from unacceptable overlooking/loss of privacy in accordance with policy SWDP21 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
The ground floor of the listed building shall be used for brine baths and uses falling within Class E(b) of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) within the respective areas so designated on the approved floor plans and for no other purpose, including any other purpose in Class E of the Order, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification. Reason: To secure the beneficial use of the ground floor of the listed building including its extensions in accordance with the terms of the application (as amended) and in accordance with policies SWDP6, SWDP9 and SWDP24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
For noise measurement and protection, reference should be made to the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Noise Technical Guide 2nd edition 2015 ( |
Section 278 Agreement - The granting of this planning permission does not remove any obligations on the applicant to undertake a technical design check of the proposed highway works with the Highway Authority, nor does it confirm acceptance of the proposal by the Highway Authority until that design check process has been concluded. Upon the satisfactory completion of the technical check the design would be suitable to allow conditions imposed under this permission to be discharged, but works to the public highway cannot take place until a legal agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 has been entered into and the applicant has complied with the requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004. The applicant is urged to engage with the Highway Authority as early as possible to ensure that the approval process is started in a timely manner to achieve delivery of the highway works in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions. The applicant should be aware of the term “highway works” being inclusive of, but not limited to, the proposed junction arrangement, street lighting, structures and any necessary traffic regulation orders. |
Protection of Visibility Splays - The applicant's attention is drawn to the need to ensure that the provision of the visibility splay(s) required by this consent is safeguarded in any sale of the application site or part(s) thereof. |
Extraordinary Maintenance - The attention of the applicant is drawn to Section 59 of the Highways Act 1980 which allows the Highway Authority to recover additional costs of road maintenance due to damage by extraordinary traffic. Before any work is commenced upon the development hereby approved representatives of Worcestershire County Council, as the Highway Authority and the applicant, shall carry out a joint road survey/inspection on the roads leading to this site. Any highlighted defects shall be rectified to the specification and satisfaction of the Highway Authority before work is commenced on the development hereby approved. A further joint survey/inspection shall be undertaken following completion of development hereby approved and any necessary remedial works shall be completed to the specification and satisfaction of the Highway Authority within 1 month or other agreed timescale. |
Works Adjoining Highway - Any work involving the removal or disturbance of ground or structures supporting or abutting the publicly maintained highway should be carried out in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Highway Authority. |
Bats - During the works the contractor should be advised to adhere to the following procedures in the event bats are found during works - - If the roost is still in the structure and bats are not injured, stop work and contact a licensed ecologist. If help is not available, allow bats to fly out of harm’s way. - If material containing a roost has been removed, the roost is not exposed and the bats are not injured, temporarily seal and isolate the roost, stop work and seek advice from a licensed ecologist. If advice is not readily available, re-open it and allow bats to relocate of their own accord. - If the roost has been exposed, and especially if bats have been injured, stop work, collect bats in a secure box or bag (using a glove) and contact a licensed ecologist. Measures to help protect bats should also include the use of lighting in the development only where absolutely necessary utilising highly directional warm white LED lighting, an example being down spots at 2.5 m high using warm white (2700 K) 8W LED lamps, 550 lumens, 35 degree beam angle. These could be individually activated by PIR sensors on a 5 minute cut off to further reduce their impacts. These will assist in lighting only the areas where lighting is required and minimising light spill either directly or through reflected light. |
The West Mercia Police advise that: - Communal and rear garden gates should be secured with gate locks that are operational from both sides. - Effective lighting is required to doors sets, communal, cycle and refuse areas. - Refuse storage areas - For the apartments a door entry system and access control system is required, details of such can be viewed on the Secured by Design (SBD) web-site ( - Tradesperson release mechanisms are not permitted under SBD guidelines and should not be used. - All residential doors should be dual certified for both security and fire, the doors should meet security standard PAS24:2016 or equivalent and have the appropriate fire rating. |
Positive and Proactive Statement. In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant by seeking further information following receipt of the application, seeking amendments to the proposed development following receipt of the application and considering the imposition of conditions and the completion of a S106 legal agreement. In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application. |
Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
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In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.
Name | Address | Sent | Reply Received |
Alison Cartwright | 8 Stoat Close DROITWICH SPA WR9 7FH | 17/03/2022 | |
Brian Trevor Jones | 26 Steynors Avenue DROITWICH SPA WR9 8JW | 03/02/2021 | |
David and Tricia Havard | Phepson Farm, Himbleton Droitwich Worcs WR9 7JZ | 10/03/2022 | |
Dawn Whiten | 26 St Nicholas Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8HS | 04/05/2022 | |
Droitwich Preservation Trust (Chair: Paul Karakashian) | Chapel House Hanbury Road Droitwich WR9 7DU | 27/02/2022 | |
Emily Henderson | 30 The Worcestershire St Andrews Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DW | 10/03/2022 | |
Ian Roxburgh | PO BOX 3686 WOKINGHAM, BERKSHIRE, RG40 9QD, UK | 24/02/2022 | |
James | 21 Cowslip Gardens DROITWICH SPA WR9 7TQ | 02/03/2022 | |
James Baker | 36 Lyttelton Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 7AB | 17/01/2021 | |
James Macdonald | 21 Cowslip Gardens DROITWICH SPA WR9 7TQ | 24/02/2022 | |
Jeanette Colston | 4 Falstaff Drive DROITWICH SPA WR9 7SN | 16/01/2021 | |
Joanna Morris | 7 Laurelwood Close DROITWICH SPA WR9 7SF | 19/01/2021 | |
John Birchley | 67 The Worcestershire St Andrews Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DW | 18/01/2021 | |
John Birchley | 67 The Worcestershire St Andrews Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DW | 12/03/2022 | |
Julie Moule | 10 Petersfield Drive DROITWICH SPA WR9 7AR | 02/03/2022 | |
Lee Edwards | 52 Alexander Avenue DROITWICH SPA WR9 8NL | 31/01/2021 | |
Mark Fullard | 1 Police Houses Stalls Farm Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8JH | 29/01/2021 | |
Mark Keld | Droitwich Town Council St Richards House Victoria Square DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DS | 09/02/2021 | |
Mirren Brewer | 11 Oakleigh Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 0RP | 17/01/2021 | |
Mirren Brewer | 11 Oakleigh Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 0RP | 11/03/2022 | |
Mirren Brewer | 11 Oakleigh Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 0RP | 11/03/2022 | |
Mirren Brewer | 11 Oakleigh Road Droitwich Wr9 0rp | 11/03/2022 | |
Mrs C.M.W Hamilton | Flat 21 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8QW | 25/01/2021 | |
Mrs Joan Harvey | 20 Rowan Court Worcester Road Droitwich WR9 8AH | 10/03/2022 | |
Patricia Leach | 19 Barns Croft Way DROITWICH SPA WR9 0BA | 15/01/2021 | |
Peter Bourne | 47 Witton Avenue DROITWICH SPA WR9 8NZ | 13/01/2021 | |
Peter Child | 34 Severn Court DROITWICH SPA WR9 7DL | 30/01/2021 | |
Peter Heath-Brown | 12 Lawley Way DROITWICH SPA WR9 8FB | 06/02/2021 | |
Ray Barber | 23 St Augustines Close DROITWICH SPA WR9 8QW | 15/01/2021 | |
Revd Nigel Byard | The Rectory Copcut Lane Salwarpe DROITWICH SPA WR9 0AH | 19/01/2021 | |
Richard Taylor-Tubb | 3 Robin Meadow DROITWICH SPA WR9 7FZ | 13/01/2021 | |
Richard Whittall | 5 Suffolk Way DROITWICH SPA WR9 7RE | 15/01/2021 | |
Robert Francis | 3 Russet Close, Worcester. | 02/03/2022 | |
Robert Parry | 23 Cobham Court DROITWICH SPA WR9 7DH | 23/01/2021 | |
Rose Parry | 23 Cobham Court DROITWICH SPA WR9 7DH | 23/01/2021 | |
Ruth Bourne | 51 College Green DROITWICH SPA WR9 8QY | 08/02/2021 | |
Sam Booton | 12 Coppice Way DROITWICH SPA WR9 9JB | 10/03/2022 | |
Sheila Hampton | Woodbury 11 Ripple Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8RJ | 15/01/2021 | |
Steve Price | 70 Mulberry Tree Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 7SS | 10/03/2022 | |
Sue Williams | 1 Westwood Close DROITWICH SPA WR9 0BD | 02/02/2021 | |
Susan Cook | 6 Grafson Place DROITWICH SPA WR9 8NQ | 11/03/2022 | |
Susan Webber | 47 Corbett Avenue DROITWICH SPA WR9 7BE | 01/02/2021 | |
Trevor Moore | 25 The Worcestershire St Andrews Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DW | 11/03/2022 | |
David Burbridge | 14 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | 16/01/2021 |
Keith Slaughter | 3 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | 08/01/2021 |
Lawrence & June Leaper | Flat 18 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | 06/03/2022 |
Mr R M & Mrs D M Rands | Flat 16 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | 04/03/2022 |
Mrs G Davidson | Flat 17 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 1 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 10 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 10 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 10 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 11 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 11 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 12 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 12 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 12 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 14 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 15 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 16 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 16 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 16A St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 17 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 18 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 18 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 18A St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 18B St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 19 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 20 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 20 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 20A St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 20B St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 21 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 22 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 22 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 23 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 24 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 24 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 25 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 26 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 27 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 28 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 29 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2A High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2B High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2C High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 2D High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 3 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 30 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 31 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 32 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 33 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 34 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 35 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 36 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 37 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 38 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 39 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 4 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 4 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 4 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 40 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 41 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 42 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 43 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 44 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 45 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 46 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 47 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 48 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 49 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 5 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 5 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 50 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 6 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 6 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 6 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 7 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 7 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 8 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 8 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 8 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 8 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 9 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | 9 Whittingham House Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Brine Bath Site And Pipes At Droitwich Private Hospital St Andrews Road Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Droitwich Parish Centre St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | First And Second Floors 20 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | First And Second Floors At 18 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | First Floor 24 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | First Floor Middle 4 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 1 22 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 1 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 10 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 11 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 12 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 14 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 15 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 19 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 2 22 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 2 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 20 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 21 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 22 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 23 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 24 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 25 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 26 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 27 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 28 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 29 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 3 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 31 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 32 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 33 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 34 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 35 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 36 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 37 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 4 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 5 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 6 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 7 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 8 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Flat 9 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Ground Floor 20 St Andrews Street Droitwich Spa WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Ground Floor 24 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | House Managers Flat 1 Whittingham Court Tower Hill DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Second Floor 24 St Andrews Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8DY | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Store And Premises Rear Of 2A High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Tower Hill Pumping Station Tower Hill Droitwich Spa WR9 8AF | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Waterhouse Rear Of 4 High Street DROITWICH SPA WR9 8EW | 07/01/2021 | |
Occupier | Whittingham House Worcester Road Droitwich Spa WR9 8BF | 07/01/2021 | |
Terence J Morgan | Flat 30 Rowan Court Worcester Road DROITWICH SPA WR9 8AH | 07/01/2021 | 04/03/2022 |
Name | Organisation | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Aidan Smyth | WDC - Archaeology & Planning Advisor | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Cllr Neil Franks | Droitwich Spa East Ward | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Cllr Nicola Morris | Droitwich Spa East Ward | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Conservation Officer | Conservation Officer | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Drainage Engineer | Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | 26/01/2021 |
Environment Agency | West Area Planning | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Highways | County Highways | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Housing Team - WDC | Housing - WDC | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Jackie Godfrey-Hunt | West Mercia Police, Design Out Crime Officer | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | 19/01/2021 |
Mike Hayzelden | Droitwich Spa Civic Society | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Miss Rhiannon Thomas | Severn Trent Water Ltd | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Mr Mark Keld | Droitwich Town Council | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Mrs E Marshall | Landscape Officer | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Ms C Charlton | Worcestershire County Council (Public Health) | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Ms R Foy | Historic England | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Nick McGowan | Tree Preservation Officer | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
WCC LLFA Planning Consultation | WCC Lead Local Flood Authority | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Cont. Land | Worcestershire Regulatory Services | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | 11/01/2021 |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance | Worcestershire Regulatory Services | 07/01/2021 | 28/01/2021 | |
Urban Design Consultation | MHDC & WDC Urban Design | 21/01/2021 | 11/02/2021 | |
Aidan Smyth | WDC - Archaeology & Planning Advisor | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 06/04/2022 |
Cllr Alex Sinton | Droitwich Spa East Ward | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 01/03/2022 |
Cllr Eric Bowden | Droitwich Spa East Ward | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Conservation Officer | Conservation Officer | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 19/04/2022 |
Drainage Engineer | Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Environment Agency | West Area Planning | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Highways | County Highways | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Housing Team - WDC | Housing - WDC | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Jackie Godfrey-Hunt | West Mercia Police, Design Out Crime Officer | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 13/03/2022 |
Mike Hayzelden | Droitwich Spa Civic Society | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 13/03/2022 |
Miss Rhiannon Thomas | Severn Trent Water Ltd | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Mr Mark Keld | Droitwich Town Council | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 01/03/2022 |
Mrs E Marshall | Landscape Officer | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Ms C Charlton | Worcestershire County Council (Public Health) | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Ms R Foy | Historic England | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Nick McGowan | Tree Preservation Officer | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Urban Design Consultation | MHDC & WDC Urban Design | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 29/03/2022 |
WCC LLFA Planning Consultation | WCC Lead Local Flood Authority | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Cont. Land | Worcestershire Regulatory Services | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 07/03/2022 |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance | Worcestershire Regulatory Services | 21/02/2022 | 14/03/2022 | 22/02/2022 |
Mr Mark Keld | Droitwich Town Council | 12/07/2022 |
Constraints List |
Section 52 Agreement |
Tree Preservation Order - 32/68/003/TPO |
Section 106 Agreement |
Wind Turbines |
CIL002 - Main Urban Area |
SWDP 5: Urban - Unsurveyed |
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 extent |
Surface Water: Medium 1 in 100 extent |
Minor Aquifer |
SWDP 10: Secondary Shopping Frontage |
Paper: Droitwich Advertiser - Thursday |
SWDP 2: Development Boundary |
SWDP 38: Green Space |
Landfill Consultation |
SWDP 10: Shopping Centres |
Tree Preservation Order - 32/02/001/TPO |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1350423. Listed Building. RAVEN HOTEL. LB/1350423 |
SWDP 6: Conservation Area |
Affect setting: Droitwich Conservation Area |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1167969. Listed Building. THE SPINNING WHEEL. LB/1167969 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1167937. Listed Building. 2, HIGH STREET. LB/1167937 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1095975. Listed Building. 10, HIGH STREET. LB/1095975 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1167942. Listed Building. 12, HIGH STREET. LB/1167942 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1350408. Listed Building. 20 AND 22, HIGH STREET. LB/1350408 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1167938. Listed Building. 6 AND 8, HIGH STREET. LB/1167938 |
Listed Buildings Affect Setting 25m Buffer: Grade II. HE Ref: 1350407. Listed Building. 4 AND 4A, HIGH STREET. LB/1350407 |
No associated appeals |