Checkbox input: Select ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf for download.
01. Application Form
Checkbox input: Select Initial Consultee List 22.00915.pdf for download.
01. Application Form
Initial Consultee List 22.00915
Checkbox input: Select Aboricultural Impact Assessment, Apsect (part 2 of 2).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Aboricultural Impact Assessment, Apsect (part 2 Of 2)
Checkbox input: Select Aboricultural Impact Assessment, Aspect (part 1 of 2).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Aboricultural Impact Assessment, Aspect (part 1 Of 2)
Checkbox input: Select Affordable Housing Statement, Copperfield.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Affordable Housing Statement, Copperfield
Checkbox input: Select Air Quality Assessment, SLR Consulting.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Air Quality Assessment, Slr Consulting
Checkbox input: Select Archaeological desk-based assessment report, Worcestershire Archaeology.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Report, Worcestershire Archaeology
Checkbox input: Select Biodiversity Net Gain, BSG Ecology (part 1 of 2).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Biodiversity Net Gain, Bsg Ecology (part 1 Of 2)
Checkbox input: Select Economic and Sustainability Statement, Copperfield.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Economic And Sustainability Statement, Copperfield
Checkbox input: Select Energy and Sustainability Statement, Energist.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Energy And Sustainability Statement, Energist
Checkbox input: Select Biodiversity Net Gain, BSG Ecology (part 2 of 2).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Biodiversity Net Gain, Bsg Ecology (part 2 Of 2)
Checkbox input: Select External Lighting Report, DPA lighting consultants.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
External Lighting Report, Dpa Lighting Consultants
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 1 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 1 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 2 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 2 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 3 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 3 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 4 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 4 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 5 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 5 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 6 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Flood Risk Assessment, Stantec (part 6 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Land Stability Report, SLR Consulting (part 1 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land Stability Report, Slr Consulting (part 1 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Land Stability Resport, SLR Consulting (part 2 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land Stability Resport, Slr Consulting (part 2 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Land Stability Report, SLR Consulting (part 3 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land Stability Report, Slr Consulting (part 3 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, Stantec.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Noise And Vibration Impact Assessment, Stantec
Checkbox input: Select Phase 1 Contamination and Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 1 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Phase 1 Contamination And Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 1 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Phase 1 Contamination and Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 2 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Phase 1 Contamination And Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 2 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Phase 1 Contamination and Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 3 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Phase 1 Contamination And Land Stability Assessment, Stantec (part 3 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Preliminary Karstic and Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 2 of 5).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Preliminary Karstic And Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 2 Of 5)
Checkbox input: Select Preliminary Karstic and Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 3 of 5).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Preliminary Karstic And Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 3 Of 5)
Checkbox input: Select Preliminary Karstic and Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 4 of 5).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Preliminary Karstic And Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 4 Of 5)
Checkbox input: Select Preliminary Karstic and Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 5 of 5).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Preliminary Karstic And Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 5 Of 5)
Checkbox input: Select Statement of Community Engagement, Copperfield.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Statement Of Community Engagement, Copperfield
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 2 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 2 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 3 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 3 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 4 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 4 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 5 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 5 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 6 of 6).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 6 Of 6)
Checkbox input: Select Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 2 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 2 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Hand drawn street Impney Field Green Lane, P&M (4 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Hand Drawn Street Impney Field Green Lane, P&m (4 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Hand drawn street Impney Field, P&M (3 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Hand Drawn Street Impney Field, P&m (3 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Hand drawn street Former Walled Garden, P&M (1 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Hand Drawn Street Former Walled Garden, P&m (1 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Hand drawn street Impney Estate Square, P&M (2 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Hand Drawn Street Impney Estate Square, P&m (2 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Impney Hall North Drive View Proposed, Historic Productions (2 of 4).jpg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Impney Hall North Drive View Proposed, Historic Productions (2 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Impney Hall South Drive View Existing, Historic Productions (3 of 4).jpg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Impney Hall South Drive View Existing, Historic Productions (3 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Impney Hall South Drive View Proposed, Historic Productions (4 of 4).jpg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Impney Hall South Drive View Proposed, Historic Productions (4 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Impney Hall North Drive View Existing, Historic Productions (1 of 4).jpg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Impney Hall North Drive View Existing, Historic Productions (1 Of 4)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 1-3, LDA Design (part 1 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 1 3, Lda Design (part 1 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 4, LDA Design (part 2 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 4, Lda Design (part 2 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 5, LDA Design (part 3 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 5, Lda Design (part 3 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 6-8, LDA Design (part 4 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 6 8, Lda Design (part 4 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 9, LDA Design (part 5 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 9, Lda Design (part 5 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 10, LDA Design (part 6 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 10, Lda Design (part 6 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 11, LDA Design (part 7 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 11, Lda Design (part 7 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 12, LDA Design (part 8 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 12, Lda Design (part 8 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 13, LDA Design (part 9 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 13, Lda Design (part 9 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement Chapter 14&Appendix, LDA Design (part 10 of 10).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Design And Access Statement Chapter 14&appendix, Lda Design (part 10 Of 10)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 2 Landscape Policy, LDA Design (part 3 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 2 Landscape Policy, Lda Design (part 3 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 3 Topography, LDA Design (part 4 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 3 Topography, Lda Design (part 4 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment, LDA Design (part 1 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment, Lda Design (part 1 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 1 Site Location, LDA Design (part 2 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 1 Site Location, Lda Design (part 2 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 5 LCT, LDA Design (part 6 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 5 Lct, Lda Design (part 6 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 6 Access, LDA Design (part 7 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 6 Access, Lda Design (part 7 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 4 ZTV, LDA Design (part 5 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 4 Ztv, Lda Design (part 5 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 7 Photopanels, LDA Design (part 8 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 7 Photopanels, Lda Design (part 8 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 1, LDA Design (part 9 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 1, Lda Design (part 9 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 2, LDA Design (part 10 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 2, Lda Design (part 10 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 3, LDA Design (part 11 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 3, Lda Design (part 11 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 4, LDA Design (part 12 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 4, Lda Design (part 12 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Appendices, LDA Design (part 14 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Appendices, Lda Design (part 14 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Land and Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 5, LDA Design (part 13 of 14).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Land And Visual Impact Assessment Figure 8 Photomontages 5, Lda Design (part 13 Of 14)
Checkbox input: Select Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 1 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 1 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 2 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 2 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 3 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Heritage Statement, Alan Baxter (part 3 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Planning Statement, Copperfield.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Planning Statement, Copperfield
Checkbox input: Select S106 Heads of Terms, Copperfield.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
S106 Heads Of Terms, Copperfield
Checkbox input: Select Ecological Appraisal, BSG Ecology(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Ecological Appraisal, Bsg Ecology(1)
Checkbox input: Select Impney Hall Structural Survey, Haywood & Associates(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Impney Hall Structural Survey, Haywood & Associates(1)
Checkbox input: Select Preliminary Karstic and Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 1 of 5)(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Preliminary Karstic And Mining Hazard Assessment, Stantec (part 1 Of 5)(1)
Checkbox input: Select Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 1 of 6)(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Transport Assessment, Stantec (part 1 Of 6)(1)
Checkbox input: Select Travel Plan, Stantec(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Travel Plan, Stantec(1)
Checkbox input: Select Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 1 of 3).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 1 Of 3)
Checkbox input: Select Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 3 of 3)(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Utilities Appraisal Report, Stantec (part 3 Of 3)(1)
Checkbox input: Select Green Belt Assessment, LDA Design(1).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Green Belt Assessment, Lda Design(1)
Checkbox input: Select Site Waste Management Plan, SLR Consulting.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Site Waste Management Plan, Slr Consulting
Checkbox input: Select Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 1 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 1 of 4).pdf
Checkbox input: Select Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 2 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 2 of 4).pdf
Checkbox input: Select Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 4 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 4 of 4).pdf
Checkbox input: Select Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 3 of 4).pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Archaeology Geophysical Survey Report, SUMO (part 3 of 4).pdf
Checkbox input: Select Email-Pillon Villa - additional information.msg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Pillon Villa - additional information covering email
Checkbox input: Select Pillon Villa Building recording report - final.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Pillon Villa - additional information - Pillon Villa Building recording report - final.pdf
Checkbox input: Select Pillon Villa cover letter.pdf for download.
02. Supporting Information
Pillon Villa - additional information - Pillon Villa cover letter.pdf
Checkbox input: Select image001(2).jpg for download.
02. Supporting Information
Conservation Officer
Checkbox input: Select Health Impact Assessment, Impney.pdf for download.
02a. Supporting Information - H.I.A
Health Impact Assessment, Impney
Checkbox input: Select Press Advert.pdf for download.
Press Advert (DA)
Checkbox input: Select 7726_P_100_Estate Wide Masterplan_GA.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Estate Wide Masterplan
7226_P_100 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304002_Proposed Typology Plan.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Proposed Typology Plan
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304002 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0102 P01 - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
General Arrangement
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0102 P01 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0121 P02 - SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Swept Path Analysis
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD_0121 P02 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0101 P01 - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
General Arrangement
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0101 P01 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0122 P02 - SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Swept Path Analysis
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0122 P02 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-SK-CD-0016 P02 - OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Overland Flow Route
CI-STN-GN-SK-CD_0016 P02 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0501 P02 - DRAINAGE STRATEGY.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Drainage Strategy
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0501 P02 -
Checkbox input: Select 7726_P_130_Site Wide Soft Works Plan_GA.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Site Wide Soft Works Plan
7226_P_130 -
Checkbox input: Select 7726_P_120_Site Wide Hard Works Plan_GA.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Site Wide Hard Works Plan
7226_P_120 -
Checkbox input: Select Site Location Plan.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Site Location Plan
7226_P_001 - A
Checkbox input: Select Little Impney Proposed Plan.pdf for download.
04. Site/Location Plan
Little Impney Proposed Plan
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304001 - A
Checkbox input: Select 2128-08 South West Elevation Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
South West Elevation Existing
08 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-09 South East Elevation Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
South East Elevation Existing
09 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-10 North East Elevation As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East Elevation As Existing
10 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-11 North West Elevation As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North West Elevation As Existing
11 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-120 Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan As Existing
120 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-121 Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan As Existing
121 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-126A Porte Corche Right South East Section As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Corche Right South East Section As Existing
126A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-101 Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan As Existing
101 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-102 Porte Cochere Left Mezzanine Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Cochere Left Mezzanine Floor Plan As Existing
102 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-107A Porte Corche Left South East Section As existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Corche Left South East Section As Existing
107A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-110A Porte Corche Left South West Section As existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Porte Corche Left South West Section As Existing
110A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-132 North East Second Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East Second Floor Plan As Existing
132 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-139B North East Elevation porte cochere to ballroom as existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East Elevation Porte Cochere To Ballroom As Existing
139B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-130 North East Ground Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East Ground Floor Plan As Existing
130 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-131 North East First Floor Plan as Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East First Floor Plan As Existing
131 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-156A Motor House Elevations As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Motor House Elevations As Existing
156A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-160 North West Section as Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North West Section As Existing
160 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-200 Roof Plan as Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Roof Plan As Existing
200 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-142B North East Section Linen Store to Motor House As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
North East Section Linen Store To Motor House As Existing
142B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-150 NW Motor House and Octagon Basement Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
NW Motor House And Octagon Basement Plan As Existing
150 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-151 Motor House and Octagon Ground Floor Plan As Existing.pdf for download.
05. Existing Plans
Motor House And Octagon Ground Floor Plan As Existing
151 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-02A Basement Plan.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Basement Plan As Proposed
02A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-03B Ground Floor Plan as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Ground Floor Plan As Proposed
03B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-04 Ground Floor Mezzanine Plan.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Ground Floor Mezzanine Plan
04 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-05B First Floor Plan as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
First Floor Plan As Proposed
05B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-06A Second Floor Plan as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Second Floor Plan As Proposed
06A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-07A Third Floor Plan as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Third Floor Plan As Proposed
07A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-15 North West Elevation Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North West Elevation Demolition
15 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-16A South West Elevation As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
South West Elevation As Proposed
16A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-17 South East Elevation As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
South East Elevation As Proposed
17 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-18B North East Elevation As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Elevation As Proposed
18B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-19A North West Elevation As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North West Elevation As Proposed
SK-52A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-100B Detail Drawing Package Reference Plan.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Detail Drawing Package Reference Plan
100B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-12 South West Elevation Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
South West Elevation Demolition
12 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-13 South East Elevation Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
South East Elevation Demolition
13 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-14 North East Elevation Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Elevation Demolition
14 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-112B Porte Corche Left South West Section As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Left South West Section As Proposed
112B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-122A Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan Demolition
122A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-123 Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan Demolition
123 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-124B Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right Ground Floor Plan Proposed
124B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-125B Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right Mezzanine Plan As Proposed
125B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-103B Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan Demolition
103B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-104A Porte Cochere Left Mezzanine Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Cochere Left Mezzanine Floor Plan Demolition
104A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-105B Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Cochere Left Ground Floor Plan Proposed
105B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-106B Porte Corche Left Mezzanine Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Left Mezzanine Floor Plan Proposed
106B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-108B Porte Corche Left South East Section Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Left South East Section Demolition
108B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-109B Porte Corche Left South East Section As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Left South East Section As Proposed
109B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-111A Porte Corche Left South West Section Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Left South West Section Demolition
111A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-133A NE Plan Ground Floor Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE Plan Ground Floor Demolition
133A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-134A NE First Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE First Floor Plan Demolition
134A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-135A NE Second Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE Second Floor Plan Demolition
135A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-136B NE Plan Ground Floor Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE Plan Ground Floor Proposed
136B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-137B NE First Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE First Floor Plan Proposed
137B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-138B NE Second Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
NE Second Floor Plan Proposed
138B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-127B Porte Corche Right South East Section Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right South East Section Demolition
127B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-128B Porte Corche Right South East Section As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Porte Corche Right South East Section As Proposed
128B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-140A North East Section porte cochere to ballroom Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Section Porte Cochere To Ballroom Demolition
140A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-141C North East Section porte cochere to ballroom As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Section Porte Cochere To Ballroom As Proposed
141C -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-155A Motor House and Octagon Ground Floor Plan Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House And Octagon Ground Floor Plan Proposed
155A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-158A Motor House Elevations As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House Elevations As Proposed
158A -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-159 South West Octagon Section Demoltion.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
South West Octagon Section Demoltion
159 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-161 North West Section Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North West Section Demolition
161 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-162 North West Section as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North West Section As Proposed
162 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-201 Roof Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Roof Plan Demolition
201 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-202 Roof Plan as Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Roof Plan As Proposed
202 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-143B North East Section Linen Store to Motor House Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Section Linen Store To Motor House Demolition
143B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-144B North East Section Linen Store to Motor House Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
North East Section Linen Store To Motor House Proposed
144B -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-152 Motor House and Octagon Basement Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House And Octagon Basement Plan Demolition
152 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-153 Motor House and Octagon Ground Floor Plan Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House And Octagon Ground Floor Plan Demolition
153 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-154A Motor House and Octagon Basement Plan As Proposed.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House And Octagon Basement Plan As Proposed
154A -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304105 - 3B5P Southern Edge House (2 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Southern Edge House (2 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304105 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304106 - 4B7P Southern Edge (2 Storey + room in roof) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b7p Southern Edge (2 Storey + Room In Roof) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304106 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304107 - 4B7P Yard House (3 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b7p Yard House (3 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304107 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304108 - 4B8P Yard House (2 Storey + room in roof) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b8p Yard House (2 Storey + Room In Roof) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304108 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304110 - 5B9P Yard House (3 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
5b9p Yard House (3 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304110 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304100 - 2B4P Linear House (2 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
2b4p Linear House (2 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304100 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304101 - 2B4P Yard House (2 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
2b4p Yard House (2 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304101 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304103 - 3B5P Yard House (2 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Yard House (2 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304103 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304104 - 3B5P Mews House (2 Storey) Plans.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Mews House (2 Storey) Plans
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304104 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304121 - Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans - Level 1 and 2.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans Level 1 And 2
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304121 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304122 - Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans - Level 3 and Roof.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans Level 3 And Roof
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304122 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304120 - Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans - Level -1 and 0.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Commerical Hub + Apartment + Town House Plans Level 1 And 0
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304120 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304201 - Proposed Site Sections - Sheet 2.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Proposed Site Sections Sheet 2
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304201 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304203 - Proposed Site Sections - Sheet 3.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Proposed Site Sections Sheet 3
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304203 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304200 - Proposed Site Sections - Sheet 1.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Proposed Site Sections Sheet 1
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304200 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304304 - 3B5P Mews House Elevations (2 storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Mews House Elevations (2 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304304 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304305 - 3B5P Southern Edge Yard House Elevations (2 Storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Southern Edge Yard House Elevations (2 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304305 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304306 - 4B7P Southern Edge Yard House Elevations (2 Storey + room in roof).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b7p Southern Edge Yard House Elevations (2 Storey + Room In Roof)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304306 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304307 - 4B7P Yard House Elevations (3 Storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b7p Yard House Elevations (3 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304307 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304308 - 4B8P Yard House Elevations (2 Storey + Room in Roof).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
4b8p Yard House Elevations (2 Storey + Room In Roof)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304308 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304310 - 5B9P Yard House Elevations (3 Storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
5b9p Yard House Elevations (3 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304310 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304320 - Commercial Hub + Apartments Elevations.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Commercial Hub + Apartments Elevations
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304320 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304321 - Town House Elevations.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Town House Elevations
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304321 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304300 - 2B4P Linear House Elevations (2 storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
2b4p Linear House Elevations (2 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304300 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304301 - 2B4P Yard House Elevations (2 Storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
2b4p Yard House Elevations (2 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304301 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304302 - 2B4P Yard House Elevations (2 Storey Flat Roof).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
2b4p Yard House Elevations (2 Storey Flat Roof)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304302 -
Checkbox input: Select A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304303 - 3B5P Yard House Elevations (2 storey).pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
3b5p Yard House Elevations (2 Storey)
A490-PMA-AP-XX-DR-A_304303 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0150 P01 - SITE LEVELS.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Site Levels
CI-STN-GN-DR-DC-0150 P01 -
Checkbox input: Select CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0151 P01 - SITE LEVELS.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Site Levels
CI-STN-GN-DR-CD-0151 P01 -
Checkbox input: Select 2128-157A Motor House Elevations Demolition.pdf for download.
06. Proposed Plans
Motor House Elevations Demolition
157A - A
Checkbox input: Select Comments.pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
mike beighton, No 1 The Old Works, Impney Estate, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0FF
Checkbox input: Select Comments(1).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Tim Slaughter , No 4 The Old Works, Impney Estate, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0FF
Checkbox input: Select Comments(2).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Mark Beddowes, No 1 The Paddocks, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0BL
Checkbox input: Select Comments(4).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Matt Nicol, 226 Worcester Road,, Droitwich Spa,, WR9 8AY
Checkbox input: Select Comments(5).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Brad Farley, No 7 Impney Apartments, Impney Estate, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0FF
Checkbox input: Select Comments(6).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Elizabeth Barron, The Elders, 1A St Augustine Drive, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 8QR
Checkbox input: Select Comments(7).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
John Smith, 2 Stouton Croft, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 9LF
Checkbox input: Select Comments(8).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Phil Baker, 2 Nuffield Drive, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0DJ
Checkbox input: Select Comments(9).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Bryan Bannister, 6 Blackthorne Close, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7SQ
Checkbox input: Select Comments(10).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Paul Jones, 51 Cockshute Hill, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7QP
Checkbox input: Select Comments(11).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Lisa Fenn, 59 Maytree Hill, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7QU
Checkbox input: Select Comments(12).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Peter Rosser, 20 Holly Close, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7QH
Checkbox input: Select Comments(14).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Paul Matthews, 16 Coppice Way, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 9JB
Checkbox input: Select Comments(15).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Ben Crabbe, 17 King George Avenue, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7BB
Checkbox input: Select Comments(16).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Keith Walker, The Oak House, Shell Manor Farm, Shell, Himbleton, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7LA
Checkbox input: Select Comments(17).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Philip Rudd, 22 Sandles Close, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 8RB
Checkbox input: Select Comments(18).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Keith Nutter, 30 Primsland Drive, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7QR
Checkbox input: Select Comments(19).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Ben Wood, 1 Amphlett Court, Galton Way, Hadzor, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7ET
Checkbox input: Select Comments(20).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Susan Rudd, 22 Sandles Close, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 8RB
Checkbox input: Select Comments(21).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Richard Carter , 92 Tagwell Road Droitwich
Checkbox input: Select Comments(22).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Nicholas Baker, Hill Crest, Rashwood Hill, Rashwood, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0BJ
Checkbox input: Select Comments(23).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Mark Hanson, The Cwtch, Woodhall Lane, Ombersley, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0EQ
Checkbox input: Select Comments(24).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
mike morris, 28 Witton Avenue, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 8PA
Checkbox input: Select Comments(25).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Wendy Rosser, 20 Holly Close, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7QH
Checkbox input: Select Comments(26).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Anne Wilson, No 9 Impney Apartments, Impney Estate, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0FF
Checkbox input: Select Comments(27).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Chris dowell, 2-3 Stoney Lane, Crossway Green, STOURPORT ON SEVERN, DY13 9SL
Checkbox input: Select Comments(28).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Ashley Jackson, 14 Church Road, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 8LN
Checkbox input: Select Comments(30).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Bob Brookes, 43 Tagwell Road, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7AQ
Checkbox input: Select Comments(31).pdf for download.
08. Response - Neighbour and Other
Calvin Oram, Mill Cottage, Impney, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 0BL
The consultation date has passed. Any comments made now may not be considered