Application Number W/22/02717/FUL
Status Application Approved

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Application Number W/22/02717/FUL
Location Address Land At (Os 8956 5754) Pershore Lane TIBBERTON
Proposal Construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System and associated infrastructure and equipment
Status Approval
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 22/12/2022
Application Valid Date 22/12/2022
Consultation Start Date 17/01/2023
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 03/10/2023
Advert Expiry 16/02/2023
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 27/10/2023

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Gillian McDermott
Parish Tibberton
Ward Bowbrook Ward - Pre 01/05/23
Applicant Sirius Renewable Energy
Agent Miss Francesca Wray, Sirius Planning
Agent Address Sirius Planning 4245 Park Approach Thorpe Park Leeds LS15 8GB

Condition Details / Information Notes
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To conform with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Unless where required or allowed by other conditions attached to this permission/consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the information (including details on the proposed materials) provided on the application form and the following plans/drawings/documents – SRE1145/02/03 SRE1145/02/04 Rev 1 SRE1145/02/06 SRE1145/02/07 SRE1145/02/08 Rev 1 SRE1145/02/09 Rev 1 SRE1145/02/10 Rev 1 SRE1145/02/11 SRE1145/02/12 SRE1145/02/13 SRE1145/02/14 SRE1145/02/15 SRE1145/03/06 Rev 1 Reason: To define the permission.
Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted, the details set out in the submitted Flood Risk Statement Assessment and Drainage Strategy shall be fully implemented and remain thereafter. Reason: To ensure that an appropriate sustainable drainage system is provided to serve the development in accordance with policy SWDP29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan 2016.
The Development hereby approved shall not commence until a Construction Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include but not be limited to the following:- • Measures to ensure that vehicles leaving the site do not deposit mud or other detritus on the public highway; • Details of site operative parking areas, material storage areas and the location of site operatives facilities (offices, toilets etc); • The hours that delivery vehicles will be permitted to arrive and depart, and arrangements for unloading and manoeuvring. • Details of any temporary construction accesses and their reinstatement. • A highway condition survey, timescale for re-inspections, and details of any reinstatement. The measures set out in the approved Plan shall be carried out and complied with in full during the construction of the development hereby approved. Site operatives' parking, material storage and the positioning of operatives' facilities shall only take place on the site in locations approved by in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: To minimise the risk of accidents and for reasons of highway safety, in accordance with Policies SWDP4, and 21 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.
Prior to the excavation of any material in connection with the development hereby approved, details of locations on the application site where the excavated material will be deposited as well as depth of excavated materials compared to existing land levels, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme. Reason - To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP21 and SWDP25 of South Worcestershire Development Plan.
Before the commencement of their construction, details of earthworks shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Details shall include:- - the proposed grading and mounding of land areas; and - the levels and contours to be formed, showing the relationship of proposed mounding to existing vegetation and surrounding landform. Development shall be carried be out in accordance with the approved details. Reason - To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP21 and SWDP25 of South Worcestershire Development Plan.
All planting and seeding/turfing comprised in the submitted landscape scheme, hereby approved, shall be carried out in the first planting season following the first use of the development. All planting shall be watered as necessary and competitive weed growth controlled to ensure successful establishment. Any trees or plants that die, or  are removed; or become seriously damaged or diseased within a period of five years from the completion of the planting, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policies SWDP21 and SWDP25 of South Worcestershire Development Plan 2016.
The applicant is advised to ensure that the development would meet the requirments of the Fire Safety Order (2005). The Fire and Rescue Service recommends that consideration of access for fire appliances to all parts of the site and the sufficiency and availability of water provision should be considered at an early stage. Fire Service Vehicle access must generally comply with the requirements of ADB 2019 Vol. 2 B5, section 15 & Table 15.1. In particular - there should be Fire Service vehicle access for a Fire Appliance to: * 15% of the perimeter of the building, OR * Within 45 metres of every point of the footprint of the building. * Access road must be in accordance with ADB 2019 Vol. 1 Table 15.2. Water for firefighting purposes should be provided in accordance with: ADB 2019 Vol. 2 B5, section 16. Water may be provided from Fire Mains or Static Water supplies

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Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response
System Generated Letter

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
Phil Coathup Stockwood Lodge Farm Stockwood Inkberrow REDDITCH B96 6SU 05/10/2023

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Cllr Mrs Margaret Rowley Bowbrook Ward 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Delegated Commissioning Team NHS Herefordshire & Worcs Integrated Care Board 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 27/01/2023
Environment Agency West Area Planning 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Highways County Highways 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 10/02/2023
Matt Barker MHDC & WDC Carbon Reduction Project Officer 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Midlands Region National Highways 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 07/02/2023
Mr G Simms Forestry Commission England 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 03/02/2023
Mrs E Marshall Landscape Officer 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Mrs S Hiscock Natural Heritage Officer 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Nick McGowan Tree Preservation Officer 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Rachel Hinton-Jones Tibberton Parish Council 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 06/02/2023
WCC LLFA Planning Consultation WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 09/02/2023
WDC - Legal Services Legal Services 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Woodland Trust Woodland Trust 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Worcestershire County Council (Public Paths) 17/01/2023 07/02/2023
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Air Quality Worcestershire Regulatory Services 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 27/01/2023
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Cont. Land Worcestershire Regulatory Services 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 18/01/2023
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance Worcestershire Regulatory Services 17/01/2023 07/02/2023 17/01/2023
Midlands Region National Highways 08/09/2023 22/09/2023 06/10/2023
Midlands Region National Highways 26/09/2023 03/10/2023

Constraints List

Constraints List
SWDP 5: Protect and Restore
Enforcement Notice: IN/01/00305
Paper: Droitwich Advertiser - Thursday
Contaminated Land
Historic Landfill Consultation (within 250m)
Landfill Consultation
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area
Section 106 Agreement
Surface Water: High 1 in 30 extent
Surface Water: Medium 1 in 100 extent
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 extent
Trunk Road (50m Buffer)
Wind Turbines
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- TB-599 D
Ancient Woodland
No associated appeals