Application Number | W/23/01730/FUL |
Status | Application Refused |
Application Valid |
28/09/2023 |
Consultation End |
02/11/2023 |
Committee Meeting |
N/A |
Decision |
Refusal |
Decision Date |
30/11/2023 |
Appeal Started |
27/06/2024 |
Appeal Decision |
Dismissed |
Summary | |
Application Number | W/23/01730/FUL |
Location Address | Land At (Os 9948 3837) Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill |
Proposal | Two new self build dwellings |
Status | Refusal |
Application Type | Full planning permission |
Appeal Decision | Dismissed |
Important Dates | |
Application Received Date | 23/08/2023 |
Application Valid Date | 28/09/2023 |
Consultation Start Date | 04/10/2023 |
Site Visited / Site Notice Date | |
Consultation End | 02/11/2023 |
Advert Expiry | 02/11/2023 |
Committee Date (if applicable) | |
Committee Agenda | |
Decision Date | 30/11/2023 |
Further Information | |
Expected Decision Level | Delegated |
Case Officer | Gillian McDermott |
Parish | Ashton under Hill |
Ward | Bredon Hill Ward |
Applicant | Mr Sam Cope |
Agent | Mr Stephen Matthews, Matthews Planning & Design |
Condition Details / Information Notes |
The proposed development would be sited in a geographically unsustainable location with poor practical access to services and facilities and therefore future residents would be highly reliant on the private car to meet their day to day needs which would not reduce the need to travel and would result in increased car journeys and hence carbon emissions. The proposed development therefore conflicts with Policy SWDP1 (Overarching Sustainable Development Principles) and SWDP4 (Moving Around South Worcestershire) of the South Worcestershire Development Plan, 2016 together with the sustainable objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework. This identified harm would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits associated with the proposed development and therefore the development does not constitute sustainable development when assessed against the National Planning Policy Framework as a whole |
The design of the two dwellings of similar appearance, due to their design, form, detail, and large amount of glazing would detract from the setting of the Ashton under Hill Conservation Area and the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Further, the loss of the roadside bank would be in stark contrast to the existing steep sided vegetated nature of Cottons Lane and which contributes to its rural character. The development would fail to provide green infrastructure as required by Policy SWDP 5 and fail to contribute to the local distinctiveness of the area. The development would result in less than substantial harm to the significance of the heritage asset, which is not considered to be outweighed by the public benefits. Overall, the proposal would be contrary to Policies SWDP 6, SWDP 21, SWDP 23, SWDP 24, SWDP 25, SWDP 26 along with the Ashton under Hill Conservation Area Appraisal, the Cotswolds National Landscape (CNL) Management Plan, the Cotswolds AONB Landscape Character Assessment and the Cotswolds AONB Landscape Strategy and Guidelines along with the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF, in particular, paragraphs 130, 174, 175, 176, 197, 199, 202. |
In the absence of sufficient information, the proposal has failed to demonstrate that adequate visibility can be achieved in both directions along Cottons Lane. In addition, the application has failed to demonstrate that the car parking arrangements would accord with the Worcestershire County Council Streetscape Design Guide. The proposal therefore fails to comply with Policies SWDP 4 and SWDP 21 and Paragraph 110 of the NPPF. |
In the absence of a legal agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution, the proposal would be contrary to Policy SWDP 15 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. |
Positive and Proactive Statement. In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant in the following ways:- seeking further information following receipt of the application; and considering the imposition of conditions and or the completion of a s.106 legal agreement. In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application. This is in accordance with paragraph 38 of the NPPF. Despite these efforts, the Council still consider that planning permission should be refused for the reasons set out above. |
Refused plan numbers: 223 002A 223 001A 223 005 223 004 |
Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
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In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.
Name | Address | Sent | Reply Received |
Anna Degano | Wayside Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 31/10/2023 | |
David Nicklin | The Pig Barn The Groaten Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7QR | 17/11/2023 | |
Esther Annis | Owl Farm Bakers Lane Aston Under Hill WR11 7ZS | 01/11/2023 | |
Frank Moore | Acacia Cottage Elmley Road Ashton under Hill Evesham WR11 7SN | 16/11/2023 | |
Geraldine Womersley | 2 Wynch Farm Elmley Road Ashton Under Hill WR11 7SW | 25/10/2023 | |
Guy Garland | Roseberry House Elmley Road Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SW | 27/11/2023 | |
Linda & Jim Teague | 26 Gorse Hill Ashton under Hill Evesham Worcestershire WR11 7SP | 30/10/2023 | |
Neil Jones | Oak House Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 21/11/2023 | |
Susan Cranham | Hill Cottage Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 31/10/2023 | |
Nikki & Colin McIntyre | Arana Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 02/10/2023 | 28/10/2023 |
Occupier | The Coppice Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 04/10/2023 | |
Samantha Brown | The White House Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 04/10/2023 | 27/10/2023 |
Stephen & Tracey Cooke | Tree Tops Cottons Lane Ashton Under Hill EVESHAM WR11 7SS | 04/10/2023 | 01/11/2023 |
Name | Organisation | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Andy Robinson | Ashton Under Hill Parish Council | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Cllr Beverley Hardman | Bredon Hill Ward | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Conservation Officer | Conservation Officer | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Drainage Engineer | Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Highways | County Highways | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Mrs E Marshall | Landscape Officer | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Mrs H Fleming | Natural England | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Mrs S Hiscock | Natural Heritage Officer | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
Worcestershire & Herefordshire LMC Ltd | Local Medical Committee | 02/10/2023 | 23/10/2023 | |
John Mills | Cotswold Conservation Board (Planning Officer) | 04/10/2023 | 25/10/2023 |
Constraints List |
SWDP 2: Development Boundary |
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas |
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance |
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area |
Paper: Evesham Journal - Thursday |
Outside SWDP Development Boundary |
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
Surface Water: High 1 in 30 extent |
Surface Water: Medium 1 in 100 extent |
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 extent |
Wind Turbines |
SWDP 23: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
SWDP 6: Conservation Area |
Affect setting: Ashton under Hill Conservation Area |
Appeals Information | |
Number | W/23/01730/FUL |
PINS Appeal Ref | APP/H1840/W/24/3344260 |
Method | Written Procedure |
Start date | 27/06/2024 |
LPA Final Comments Due | 15/08/2024 |
Interested Party Comments Due | 01/08/2024 |
Inquiry Date | |
Venue | |
Decision | Dismissed |
Issue Date | 27/09/2024 |
Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Tick here to show you have read and agree with the Copyright Notice.
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Click on a column heading for the ability to sort the ‘group’ listing in ascending or descending order by using the up/down arrows. This is useful to sort by ‘name/organisation’.