Application Number | W/23/02266/HP |
Status | Application Approved |
Application Valid |
20/11/2023 |
Consultation End |
12/12/2023 |
Committee Meeting |
N/A |
Decision |
Approval |
Decision Date |
31/01/2024 |
Appeal Started |
N/A |
Appeal Decision |
N/A |
Summary | |
Application Number | W/23/02266/HP |
Location Address | 3 Norchard Barns Norchard Lane Crossway Green Stourport On Severn DY13 9SN |
Proposal | Single storey side extension |
Status | Approval |
Application Type | Householder Planning |
Appeal Decision | N/A |
Important Dates | |
Application Received Date | 06/11/2023 |
Application Valid Date | 20/11/2023 |
Consultation Start Date | 21/11/2023 |
Site Visited / Site Notice Date | |
Consultation End | 12/12/2023 |
Advert Expiry | |
Committee Date (if applicable) | |
Committee Agenda | |
Decision Date | 31/01/2024 |
Further Information | |
Expected Decision Level | Delegated |
Case Officer | John Carlon |
Parish | Hartlebury |
Ward | Hartlebury Ward |
Applicant | Mr C Locke |
Agent | Michael A Brown, Michael A Brown Designer |
Agent Address | Manor Farm Barn Hadzor Droitwich Spa WR9 7DR |
Condition Details / Information Notes |
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To conform with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. |
Unless where required or allowed by other conditions attached to this permission/consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the information (including details on the proposed materials) provided on the application form and the following plans/drawings/documents – Roof Plan ; MAB3 Proposed Floor Plans ; Cross Section ; MAB2 Location Plan. Reason: To define the permission. |
Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the details set out in the submitted Water Management Statement shall be fully implemented and remain thereafter. Reason: To ensure that an appropriate sustainable drainage system is provided to serve the development in accordance with policy SWDP29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan 2016. |
Positive and Proactive Statement. No problems have arisen in dealing with this application. The planning application sought an acceptable form of development consistent with the requirements of relevant policies and material considerations. No amendments or alterations were therefore required and no further positive or proactive action was deemed necessary. |
Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
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Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Documents | |||||
01. Application Form | 07/11/2023 | Application Form (redacted) | (5946kb) | - | |
02. Supporting Information | 07/11/2023 | Water Management Statement | (288kb) | - | |
Application Plans | |||||
04. Site/Location Plan | 20/11/2023 | Location Plan & Block Plans | (471kb) | MAB2 - | |
05. Existing Plans | 15/11/2023 | Existing Floor Plans and Elevations | (32kb) | MAB1 - | |
06. Proposed Plans | 15/11/2023 | Roof Plan | (234kb) | - | |
06. Proposed Plans | 15/11/2023 | Proposed Floor Plan and Elevations | (44kb) | MAB3 - | |
06. Proposed Plans | 15/11/2023 | Cross Section | (199kb) | - | |
Statutory Consultee Response | |||||
09. Response - Statutory Consultee | 22/11/2023 | Drainage Engineer - Engineers | (77kb) | - | |
09. Response - Statutory Consultee | 13/12/2023 | Clare Shinner - Hartlebury Parish Council | (72kb) | - | |
Decision | |||||
11. Decision Information | 31/01/2024 | Delegated Report | (42kb) | - | |
12. Decision Notice | 31/01/2024 | Decision Notice | (291kb) | - |
In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.
Name | Address | Sent | Reply Received |
Occupier | 2 Norchard Barns Norchard Lane Crossway Green STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SN | 21/11/2023 | |
Occupier | 4 Norchard Barns Norchard Lane Crossway Green STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SN | 21/11/2023 | |
Occupier | Norchard Farm Norchard Lane Crossway Green STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SN | 21/11/2023 |
Name | Organisation | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Clare Shinner | Hartlebury Parish Council | 21/11/2023 | 12/12/2023 | |
Cllr Antony Hartley | Hartlebury Ward | 21/11/2023 | 12/12/2023 | |
Drainage Engineer | Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership | 21/11/2023 | 12/12/2023 |
Constraints List |
Policy Case HLA - PAR/45/160/HOU. Norchard Farm, Norchard Lane, Crossway Green, Stourport On Severn, DY13 9SN. Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to 2no. Dwellings (Class C3) and for Associated Operational Development.. Open Market. Small windfall (HLA only) |
Policy Case HLA - PAR/45/161/HOU. Norchard Farm, Norchard Lane, Crossway Green, Stourport On Severn, DY13 9SN. Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for Associated Operational Development.. Open Market. Small windfall (HLA only) |
Major Aquifer |
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas |
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance |
PD Rights Removed may apply: 21/02592/CU - 3 Norchard Barns, Norchard Lane, Crossway Green, Stourport On Severn, DY13 9SN |
Paper: Kidderminster Shuttle - Thursday |
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area |
Paper: Droitwich Advertiser - Thursday |
Outside SWDP Development Boundary |
Wind Turbines |
Source Protection Zone 3 |
No associated appeals |