Application Number W/24/00672/FUL
Status Application Approved

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Application Number W/24/00672/FUL
Location Address Land At (Os 8571 6715) Northwest Of Doverdale
Proposal Solar Farm and Battery Stations together with all associated work, equipment and necessary infrastructure. (Variation of Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6(A), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 Ref. 21/01363/FUL)
Status Approval
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 08/04/2024
Application Valid Date 08/04/2024
Consultation Start Date 12/04/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 10/05/2024
Advert Expiry 10/05/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 14/10/2024

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Steven Hoang
Parish Ombersley , Doverdale , Elmley Lovett
Ward Ombersley Ward, Hartlebury Ward
Applicant Mr Daniel Corcoran, JBM Solar Projects 3 Ltd
Agent Mrs Rachel King, Pegasus Group
Agent Address 33 Sheep Street Cirencester GL7 1RT

Condition Details / Information Notes
The development hereby permitted must be commenced not later than the expiration of three years from the date of the original permission 21/01363/FUL, dated 13.01.2022. Reason: To conform with the requirements of Sections 73 and 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Unless where required or allowed by other conditions attached to this permission/consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the information (including details on the proposed materials) provided on the application form and the following plans/drawings/documents – Amended Plans/Documents: P18-2289_17 Rev.L (Site Layout and Planting Proposals). P18-2289-Figure 1 Rev.B (Site Location and Traffic Routing Plan). P18-2289-Figure 4 Rev.A (Location of Banksman and Interaction Between Vehicles on Halfway Lane). P18-2289-Figure 5 Rev.A (Indicative Temporary Compound Vehicle Swept Path Analysis). P18-2289-Figure 6 Rev.C (Eastern Site Access Arrangement). P18-2289-Figure 7-1 (Swept Path Analysis of a 16.5m Articulated Vehicle on Doverdale Lane and Unnamed Road – Towards Site – Sheet 1 of 2). P18-2289-Figure 7-2 (Swept Path Analysis of a 16.5m Articulated Vehicle on Doverdale Lane and Unnamed Road – Away From Site – Sheet 2 0f 2). P18-2289-SK01 (Indicative Temporary Construction Compound). Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision E), prepared by Pegasus Group, dated June 2024 (Pegasus Ref: P18-2289 TRO1/E). Construction Environmental Management Plan (Revision C), prepared by Pegasus Group, dated May 2024 (Pegasus Ref: P18-2289 TRO3/C). Submission Letter from Pegasus Group, dated 5th April 2024. Submission Letter from Pegasus Group, updated 29th August 2024. Submission Letter from Pegasus Group, updated 18th September 2024. Archaeological Mitigation and Management Plan, prepared by Pegasus Group, dated September 2024 (Pegasus Ref: P18-2289). Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Excavation, prepared by Archaeology Warwickshire, dated September 2023. Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Evaluation, prepared by Archaeology Warwickshire, dated June 2023. Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Evaluation, prepared by Oxford Archaeology, dated July 2022, Issue No:3 (Ref: 26074). Approved Plans/Documents Ref: 21/01363/FUL: P18-2289-03C Location plan 2802-01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 Topographical Survey P18-2289-17I Proposed site layout and planting 20210512-004-4P495B1-A Doverdale PV Layout Sheets 1 to 17 P18-2289-24-1C Indicative Landscape Cross-Sections Sheet 1 P18-2289-24-2C Indicative Landscape Cross-Sections Sheet 2 P18-2289-24-3C Indicative Landscape Cross-Sections Sheet 3 P18-2289-Figure 1 Site Location and Traffic Routing Plan P18-2289-Figure 2A Halfway Lane Access Visibility Splays P18-2289-Figure 3A Articulated Vehicle Swept Path Analysis P18-2289-Figure 4 Location of Banksman and Interaction Between Vehicles on Halfway Lane P18-2289-Figure 5 Construction Compound Vehicle Swept Path Analysis P18-2289-Figure 6 Operational Site Access Arrangement Typical PV Table Details Rev A Typical Track, Fence and CCTV Details Rev A Typical Trench Section Details Rev A Typical Inverter Building Rev A Typical Spares Container Details Rev A Typical Customer Switchgear Details Rev A Typical Battery Station Details Rev A Typical Cable Route Sections Details Rev A Typical Gate Details Rev A Typical Substation Compound Rev A Typical Substation Compound I Rev A Typical Substation Compound II Rev A Indicative Construction Compound Layout Rev A Reason: To define the permission in accordance with Policy SWDP 1 and SWDP 2 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out wholly in accordance with the details of the submitted Construction Traffic Management Plan Ref: P18-2289/TR01 Revision E dated June 2024 or such variation of that plan as may be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interest of highway safety in accordance with policy SWDP 4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The measures set out in the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan Ref: P18-2289 TR03/C Revision C, dated May 2024 Plan shall be carried out and complied with in full during the construction of the development hereby approved. Site operatives' parking, material storage and the positioning of operatives' facilities shall only take place on the site in locations approved by in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate on-site facilities and in the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policy SWDP 4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The CEMP (Biodiversity) shall be carried out in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 7 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: In the interest of biodiversity in accordance with policy SWDP22 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
(A) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following documents: - Archaeological Mitigation and Management Plan, prepared by Pegasus Group, dated September 2024 (Pegasus Ref: P18-2289). - Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Excavation, prepared by Archaeology Warwickshire, dated September 2023. - Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Evaluation, prepared by Archaeology Warwickshire, dated June 2023. - Written Scheme of Investigation Archaeological Evaluation, prepared by Oxford Archaeology, dated July 2022, Issue No:3 (Ref: 26074). (B) The development shall be not brought into use until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation and Archaeological Mitigation and Management Plan approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured. Reason: To protect archaeological remains in accordance with the requirements of policies SWDP 6 and SWDP 24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
Development of the area marked 'Archaeological Mitigation Zone' on approved drawing P18-2289-17 Rev.L shall not include any below ground level foundations, posts or cabling. Reason: To protect archaeological remains in accordance with the requirements of policies SWDP 6 and SWDP 24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The surface water drainage systems shall be implemented in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 4 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not exacerbate flood risk and deals with surface water run-off from the site in a sustainable manner, in accordance with policies SWDP28 and SWDP29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
Excavations or construction works forming part of the development hereby approved shall ensure trees and hedges are protected in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 4 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: The hedges and tree are an important feature in the area and merit protection while building works take place on the site, in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP22 and SWDP25, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The landscaping scheme shall be implemented in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 4 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area or the amenities of neighbours in accordance with policies SWDP21 and SWDP25 of South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The landscape and ecological management plan (LEMP) shall be implemented in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 7 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: To ensure that the proposed development contributes to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity within the site and for the wider area in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP 22 and to ensure compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
Fencing, tracks and CCTV shall not be installed other than in accordance with the details shown on the approved site layout plan P18-2289-17L and the detailed drawing 'Typical Track, Fence and CCTV Details Rev A' or other details that have been first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP22, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
No external lighting shall be installed within the site other than in accordance with details, including timings, that have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure the proposed development does not have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the area and biodiversity in accordance with policies SWDP 21, SWDP 22 and SWDP 25 of South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The construction compound shall be implemented in accordance with in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 26 July 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: In the interest of highway safety and sustainable travel in accordance with the provisions of policy SWDP4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
Prior to panel erection the eastern access shall be implemented in accordance with the details including visibility splays as shown on drawing P18-2289-Figure 6 Rev.C (Eastern Site Access Arrangements). Nothing more than 0.6m above the level of the adjacent carriageway shall be planted, erected and/or allowed to grow within the defined visibility splays. Reason: In the interest of highway safety in accordance with the provisions of policy SWDP 4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The Travel Plan shall be carried out in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 4 September 2023 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: In the interest sustainable travel and highway safety in accordance with the provisions of policy SWDP 4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted one Electric Vehicle Charging point shall be provided and made fully operational for site users. The charging point shall be retained thereafter. Reason: To enable charging of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations in accordance with paragraph 112 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
When the land ceases to be used as a photovoltaic park for renewable power production or at the end of the period of 40 years from the date of grid connection (such date to have been notified to the Local Planning Authority in writing within one month of the grid connection) whichever shall first occur, with the exception of the DNO substation and associated infrastructure to be permanently retained as shown on drawing No.P18-2289_17 Rev.L, the use hereby permitted shall cease and all materials and equipment brought on the land in connection with the use permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its previous state or as otherwise agreed, in accordance with details that have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the decommissioning works taking place. Such details shall include timescales for decommissioning. Reason: In the interests of visual and residential amenity in accordance with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP 2, SWDP 21 and SWDP 25, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
All solar panels installed as part of the development hereby approved shall have AR (anti-reflective) coating. Reason: To protect the rural character of the area, highway safety and living conditions at nearby properties from glint and glare, especially during the early years of the operational period, in line with the requirements of South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP 4, SWDP 21 and SWDP 25, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
The materials and finishes of structures and containers shall be carried out in accordance with details approved in the conditions letter dated 6 February 2024 for planning permission ref: 21/01363/FUL. Reason: To protect the rural character and appearance of the area and the local landscape in line with the requirements of South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP 21 and SWDP 25, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
In the event the development ceases to generate electricity for supply to the electricity grid network for a period of 12 months, a Decommissioning Scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, no later than 3 months from the end of the 12-month period. The scheme shall include the same provisions referred to in Condition 18 of this permission and the decommissioning shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved scheme. Reason: To protect the rural character and appearance of the area and the local landscape in line with the requirements of South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP 21 and SWDP 25, and the relevant aims and objectives of National Planning Policy Framework.
1. The surface of the footpaths must be restored to a condition approved by the Public Rights of Way department. Changes should only be carried out with the written consent of the PROW team. 2. Where planting is proposed in the vicinity of a public right of way, care must be taken to ensure that, once mature, it will not reduce the width of the path or block its definitive line. The planting of trees, shrubs or other vegetation that would interfere with legal passage is deemed wilful obstruction and is an offence under s 137 of HA 1980. Footpaths should be a minimum of 2 metres wide, bridleways a minimum of 3 metres wide unless a different width is statutorily recorded. The Definitive Map is a minimum record of public rights of way and does not preclude the possibility that unrecorded public rights may exist, nor that higher rights may exist than those shown.
In collaboration with Hereford & Worcester Fire & Rescue Services (HWFRS), the developer should produce a risk reduction strategy (examining safety measures and risk mitigation) as the responsible person for the scheme as stated in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.The strategy should cover the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the project. HWFRS recognises the use of batteries (including lithium-ion) as Energy Storage Systems (ESS) is a new and emerging practice in the global renewable energy sector. As with all new and emerging practices within UK industry the Service would like to work with the developers to better understand any risks that may be posed and develop strategies and procedures to mitigate these risks. A comprehensive risk management process must be undertaken by operators to identify hazards and risks specific to the facility and develop, implement, maintain and review risk controls. From this process a robust Emergency Response Plan should be developed. The following principles should be considered by owners, developers and operators:- 1. Effective identification and management of hazards and risks specific to the siting, infrastructure, layout, and operations at the facility. 2. Impact on surrounding communities, buildings, and infrastructure. 3. Siting of renewable energy infrastructure so as to eliminate or reduce hazards to emergency responders. 4. Safe access for emergency responders in and around the facility, including to energy storage infrastructure and firefighting infrastructure. 5. Provision of adequate water supply and firefighting infrastructure to allow safe and effective emergency response. 6. Vegetation sited and managed so as to avoid increased bushfire and grassfire risk. 7. Prevention of fire ignition on-site. 8. Prevention of fire spread between site infrastructure (solar panel banks, wind turbines, battery containers/enclosures). 9. Prevention of external fire impacting and igniting site infrastructure. 10. Provision of accurate and current information for emergency responders during emergencies. 11. Effective emergency planning and management, specific to the site, infrastructure and operations. 12. Owner to have a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan, showing full understanding of hazards, risks, and consequences. Information required regarding system design and construction: 1. The battery chemistries being proposed (e.g. Lithium-ion Phosphate (LFP), Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC)). Because: a. Battery chemistries will directly affect the heat released when a cell goes into thermal runaway b. Battery chemistries will influence vapour cloud formation. c. An understanding of the battery chemistry is useful when requesting scientific advice during an incident. 2. The battery form factor (e.g. cylindrical, pouch, prismatic) 3. Type of BESS e.g. container or cabinet 4. Number of BESS containers/cabinets 5. Size/capacity of each BESS unit (typically in MWh) 6. How the BESS units will be laid out relative to one another. 7. A diagram / plan of the site. 8. Evidence that site geography has been taken into account (e.g. prevailing wind conditions). 9. Access to, and within, the site for FRS assets 10. Details of any fire-resisting design features 11. Details of any: a. Fire suppression systems b. On site water supplies (e.g. hydrants, EWS etc) c. Smoke or fire detection systems (including how these are communicated) d. Gas and/or specific electrolyte vapour detection systems e. Temperature management systems f. Ventilation systems g. Exhaust systems h. Deflagration venting systems 12. Identification of any surrounding communities, sites, and infrastructure that may be impacted as a result of an incident. Testing Details of any evidence based testing of the system design should be requested, for example, results of UL 9540A testing. Detection and monitoring:- -Provision of an effective Battery Management System (BMS) and/or a specific electrolyte vapour detection system. - Should thermal runaway conditions be detected then there should be the facility in place for the early alerting of emergency services. - Detection systems should also be in place for alerting to other fires that do not involve thermal runaway (for example, fires involving electrical wiring). - Continuous combustible gas monitoring within units should be provided. Suppression systems:- - Suitable fixed suppression systems should be installed in units in order to help prevent or limit propagation between modules. - Any calculations for sufficient water supply for an appropriate suppression system will need to be completed by a competent person considering the appropriate risk and duration of any fire. -Water run-off and potential impact on the environment, along with mitigation measures, should be considered and detailed in the Emergency Response Plan. -Lack of sufficient water supplies at a particular site location should not be considered as the basis for a suppression system choice. Such an approach could result in potentially ineffective and/or dangerous system designs. Deflagration Prevention and Venting:- - BESS containers should be fitted with deflagration venting and explosion protection appropriate to the hazard. - Flames and materials discharged as a result of any venting should be directed outside to a safe location and should not contribute to any further fire propagation beyond the unit involved or present further risk to persons. The likely path of any vented gasses or materials should be identified in Emergency Response Plans to reduce risk to responders. - Explosion/deflagration strategies should be built into the emergency plan such that responders are aware of their presence and the impact of their actions on these strategies. Site access:- - Access for Fire Service Vehicles must comply with the requirements of ADB 2019 Vol. 2 B5, section 15 & Table 15.1 with regards the proposed floor area, height of the building and type of fire appliance. - Access road to be in accordance with ADB 2019 Vol. 2 Table 15.2 with regards access widths and carrying capacity. At least 2 separate access points to the site to account for opposite wind conditions/direction. - A perimeter road or roads with passing places suitable for fire service vehicles. - Road networks on sites must enable unobstructed access to all areas of the facility. - Turning circles, passing places etc size to be advised by FRS depending on fleet. Access between BESS units and unit spacing:- - A standard minimum spacing between units of 6 metres is suggested unless suitable design features can be introduced to reduce that spacing. If reducing distances a clear, evidence based, case for the reduction should be shown. - Any reduction in this separation distance should be design based by a competent fire engineer. There should be consideration for the fire separation internally and the total realistic load of fire. Proposed distances should be based on radiant heat flux (output) as an ignition source. - HWFRS does not support the stacking of containers/units on top of one another on the basis of the level of risk in relation to fire loading, potential fire spread, and restrictions on access. Distance from BESS units to occupied buildings & site boundaries:- Individual site designs will mean that distances between BESS units and occupied buildings/site boundaries will vary. Proposed distances should take into account risk and mitigation factors. However, an initial minimum distance of 25 metres is proposed prior to any mitigation such as blast walls. Reduction of distances may be possible in areas of lower risk (e.g. rural settings). Water Supplies:- As a minimum, it is recommended that hydrant supplies for boundary cooling purposes should be located close to BESS containers (but considering safe access in the event of a fire) and should be capable of delivering no less than 1,900 litres per minute for at least 2 hours. HWFRS may wish to increase this requirement dependant on location and their ability to bring supplementary supplies to site in a timely fashion. Signage:- Signage should be installed in a suitable and visible location on the outside of BESS units identifying the presence of a BESS system. Signage should also include details of: - Relevant hazards posed - The type of technology associated with the BESS - Any suppression system fitted - 24/7 Emergency Contact Information Signs on the exterior of a building or enclosure should be sized such that at least one sign is legible at night at a distance of 30 metres or from the site boundary, whichever is closer. Operational Response Comments:- The risks of vapour cloud, thermal runaway and explosion are unfortunately very real and are becoming more common as we see an increase in the number of BESS installations develop across the United Kingdom. There is currently no definitive or preferred way of putting out a lithium ion / lithium iron fire. There are in effect two main options; one being let it burn, the other being to use significant amounts of water for a protracted period. In this case, should the let it burn approach be taken, it may create a chain reaction from one unit to the next. Therefore, even in this case, there is a high possibility that attending crews will require large amounts of water to protect the exposure risks and disperse the vapour cloud (to ensure it remains below the explosive thresholds). This is likely to continue for the period of multiple hours whilst the unit(s) burns itself out. If we were to let it burn, there would be significant impact on the surrounding communities which would all be significantly impacted from the vapour / smoke plume for at least 24-48 hours, and therefore recommend that the Planning Authority consider this potential impact. To provide a suitable water supply, it would require a water relay from the hydrants in the area, this would impact more roads in the local area once the water relay was in place. There are minimal alternative options for water, however due to the significant amounts we would use, the Environment Agency (EA) and Severn Trent may need to consider the impact of run-off in to local water courses. Due to the risk involved in these types of BESS, we would deploy minimum staff into the risk area for the shortest amount of time to place ground monitors, with a view that two or three of these would be used to apply water from multiple sides (where possible). Guidance suggests that Lithium ion / lithium iron batteries should be doused with significant amounts of water, and ideally subject to full submersion of the batteries for a period of 24 hours. For example, taking a two-ground monitor attack for 24 hours would apply approximately 5.5 million litres of water, and the resulting run-off of these tactics would likely have a significant impact on the surrounding area. We therefore recommend the EA consider this potential impact. Further to this the EA would also need to consider the impact of any ground water seepage and any potential for impact on Severn Trent from the contaminated run-off filtering through nearby aquifers.

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Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
Adam Silvester Dunhampton Farm Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 20/04/2024
Adrian Jones Damson Cottage Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 17/04/2024
Allan O'Neill Spyways Southall Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 29/04/2024
anna kimberley Green End Cottage Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 23/04/2024
anna kimberley Maytree Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 04/05/2024
Chris Chubb Withenford Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 23/04/2024
Claire Watkins Rolls Orchard Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 16/04/2024
Darren Holdway Callow Farm Sneads Green Droitwich WR9 0PZ 02/05/2024
Deborah Raggett Sneads Green House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 21/04/2024
Deborah raggett The Coach House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 13/05/2024
Deborah raggett Sneads Green House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 13/05/2024
Emma Payne 1 Hill Farm Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 26/04/2024
Gemma Pearsall Hill View Bungalow Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 23/04/2024
Holly Hanley Tall Trees House Cutnall Green Sneads Green DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PY 22/04/2024
Ian Stirzaker 2 Southall Farm Cottages New Road Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 07/05/2024
JOHN SADLER Georges Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 22/04/2024
Jonathan Hickman The Brambles Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 24/04/2024
Margaret Harper Maytree House Sneads Green Nr. Droitwich 21/04/2024
Mark Rolfe Bryerlands Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 28/04/2024
Michael Smart Doverdale Mill Doverdale Mill Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 26/04/2024
Neill Bramble Hill Farm House Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 21/04/2024
Pat Kirkham Alexander House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 25/04/2024
Patricia Poole Church Farm Doverdale Droitwich WR9 0QB 02/05/2024
Paul Mannion Glebe Fields Doverdale Lane Dunhampton DROITWICH SPA DY13 9SW 18/04/2024
Peter Downie Hill Farm Cottage Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 02/05/2024
Quentin Poole Church Farm Doverdale Droitwich WR9 0QB 26/04/2024
R Turner Owl Hill Owlhill Lane Lineholt Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SS 02/05/2024
Sandra Smart Doverdale Mill Doverdale Mill Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 26/04/2024
Terence Price Coppice House Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 22/04/2024
Terence price Coppice House Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 13/05/2024
Adam Cole Eden Cottage Mount Pleasant Lane Crossway Green STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SU 12/04/2024
Adam Silvester Dunhampton Farm Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Adrian Aston Glenfields Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
alison hargreaves The Marshalls Cutnall Green Sneads Green DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PY 12/04/2024
Andrew Kimberley Greenend Cottage Sneads Green WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Ann Pickering 2 Hill Farm Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Anna Hill Green End Cottage Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Charles The Coach House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Chris Chubb Withenford Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Dan Harper Land at Callow Farm Sneads Green Cutnall Green WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Dr Graham Martin Wagtails Broadway Road Aston Somerville BROADWAY WR12 7JF 12/04/2024
Dr Neill Bramble Hill Farm House Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Emma Payne 1 Hill Farm Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
henry deakin Doverdale Manor New Road Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PF 12/04/2024
Ian Stringer Callow Farm Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Jo Deakin Doverdale Manor New Road Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PF 12/04/2024
John Sadler Georges Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Liz Williams The New House Little Acton Farm Sneads Green Droitwich Spa WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Maddy Dunhampton Farm Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Martin Pickering 2 Hill Farm Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Mr Alan Williams Little Acton Farm Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Mr W & Mrs A Gough Rolls Orchard Sneads Green Droitwich WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Mrs Claire Watkins The Cider House Sneads Green Droitwich WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Occupier Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Acton Hall Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Acton Manor Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Acton Meadow Barn Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Barn At Acton Hall Acton Lane Ombersley DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Cherry Orchard Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Grayston Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Occupier Hill Farm Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Occupier Hill View Bungalow Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Occupier Meadow Brook 6 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Nuthatch 1 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier Springfield 4 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier The Hayrick 3 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier The Meadows 5 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier The Wain House 2 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier The Willows 7 Acton Court Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier The Yeoman House Acton Lane Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TF 12/04/2024
Occupier 1 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 10 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 11 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 12 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 13 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 14 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 15 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 16 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 17 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 18 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 19 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 2 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 20 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 21 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 22 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 23 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 24 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 25 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 3 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 4 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 5 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 6 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 7 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier 8 Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Acorn Motor Home Conversions Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Astley House Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Cottage Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Damson Cottage Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Dunhampton Cottage Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Dunhampton Park Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Glebe Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PF 12/04/2024
Occupier Glebe Fields Doverdale Lane Dunhampton DROITWICH SPA DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Hill Farm Cottage Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QA 12/04/2024
Occupier Honey Orchard Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Occupier Lilliput Farm Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Little Acton House Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9TB 12/04/2024
Occupier Mobile Home At Sunnydene Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Primelight Advertising Rights Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Rose Cottage Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Rose Cottage Doverdale Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Occupier Rose Leigh Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Spice Fusion (Halfway House) Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Sunnydene Doverdale Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier The Annexe Rose Cottage Crossway Green Ombersley DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier The Honeybee Inn Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Occupier The Old Leaking Well Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier The White Cottage Southall Lane Doverdale DROITWICH SPA WR9 0QB 12/04/2024
Occupier Westland Cars Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Occupier Workshop Dunhampton Service Station Crossway Green Ombersley STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024
Robert Brett and Jenny Batelen Fern House Main Road Ombersley DROITWICH SPA WR9 0DS 12/04/2024
Sheila Fernihough The Coach House Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Steve Rhodes and Nicola Nuttall Callow Farm Cottage Sneads Green Elmley Lovett DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PZ 12/04/2024
Suzie Mason Deepdale Cutnall Green Sneads Green DROITWICH SPA WR9 0PY 12/04/2024
William Dunhampton Farm Halfway Lane Dunhampton STOURPORT ON SEVERN DY13 9SW 12/04/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Aidan Smyth WDC - Archaeology & Planning Advisor 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Cllr Antony Hartley Hartlebury Ward 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Cllr Christopher Day Ombersley Ward 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Conservation Officer Conservation Officer 12/04/2024 03/05/2024 03/05/2024
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Environment Agency West Area Planning 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Highways County Highways 12/04/2024 03/05/2024 20/05/2024
Jo Hall NHS Clinical Commissioning Group 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Matt Barker MHDC & WDC Carbon Reduction Project Officer 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Miss Rhiannon Thomas Severn Trent Water Ltd 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Mr J Jordan Doverdale Parish Council 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Mr N Wright Elmley Lovett Parish Council 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Mr R Cooper & Mr J Jennings Hereford & Worcester Fire Service 12/04/2024 03/05/2024 17/04/2024
Mr S Bloomfield Worcestershire Wildlife Trust 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Mrs A Scadding Ombersley and Doverdale Parish Council 12/04/2024 03/05/2024 22/04/2024
Mrs S Hiscock Natural Heritage Officer 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Ms R Clare Environment Agency 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
WCC LLFA Planning Consultation WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
WDC - Legal Services Legal Services 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
Worcestershire County Council (Public Paths) 12/04/2024 03/05/2024 18/04/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Cont. Land Worcestershire Regulatory Services 12/04/2024 03/05/2024
WRS - Contaminated Land & Nuisance Worcestershire Regulatory Services 12/04/2024 03/05/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance
Wind Turbines
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area
SWDP 22: Sites Of Regional Or Local Wildlife Importance
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
Flood Zone 3: High
Landfill Consultation
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
Contaminated Land
Neighbourhood Plan: NPA Boundaries
Flood Zone 2: Medium
Paper: Kidderminster Shuttle - Thursd
Paper: Droitwich Advertiser - Thursday
Major Aquifer
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- OM-542 D
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- OM-552 C
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- OM-550 C
Section 106 Agreement
Source Protection Zone 2
Source Protection Zone 3
Local Wildlife Site
Surface Water: High 1 in 30 extent
Surface Water: Medium 1 in 100 extent
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 extent
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- OM-551 B
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- OM-549 D
No associated appeals