Application Number W/24/01589/FUL
Status Pending Decision
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  • Appeal
  • Appeal
Application Number W/24/01589/FUL
Location Address Land Off Kingshurst Drive And To The Rear Of 66 Bretforton Road Badsey
Proposal Development of 21no. residential dwellings together with associated accesses, parking and landscaping as approved under planning permission reference W/22/00896/FUL - Variation to conditions 2,6,11,12,14,18,19,21,22,23,24,26,27 and 28.
Status Pending
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 08/08/2024
Application Valid Date 19/08/2024
Consultation Start Date 22/08/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 19/09/2024
Advert Expiry 19/09/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Gillian McDermott
Parish Badsey
Ward Badsey & Aldington Ward
Applicant Cotswold Oak Ltd
Agent Mr James Griffin, Zesta Planning Ltd
Agent Address The Site Chosen View Road Cheltenham GL51 9LT

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Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
C Leggat 3 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 15/09/2024
Chris & Don 3 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 11/09/2024
Colin Harvey 15 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 01/09/2024
Judy Harvey 15 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 13/09/2024
Annette Walker Beulah House 64 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Annette Yates Wickcliffe House 66 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Chris & Don 3 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Christine Leggat 3 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Gandolfo Salviani 36 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey WR11 7AR 22/08/2024
Judy Harvey 15 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 22/08/2024
Lisa Kingsbury 9 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Martin Edwards 19 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Maureen Ford 62 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Mr & Mrs Allen 9 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 22/08/2024
Mr & Mrs Cawdron 1 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Nicola Hart 9 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 1 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 22/08/2024
Occupier 10 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 15 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 16 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 2 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 24 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 58 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Occupier 60 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Occupier Catsbury 68 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Occupier Willowbrook House 11 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 22/08/2024
Occupier 10 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 11 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 12 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 14 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 15 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 16 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 17 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 18 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 19 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 20 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 21 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 23 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 25 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 27 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 29 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 4 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 5 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 6 Braeburn Court Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Occupier 6 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 7 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 8 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Occupier 9 Kingshurst Drive Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7ZF 22/08/2024
Richard Fowler 21 Old Post Office Lane Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XF 22/08/2024
Stuart & Sarah McColl 27 Western Heights Road, Stratford upon Avon CV37 8WP 22/08/2024
Tim Franklin Beulah House 64 Bretforton Road Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7XQ 22/08/2024
Occupier 2 Kingshurst Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7AR 29/08/2024
Occupier 12 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 29/08/2024
Occupier 14 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 29/08/2024
Occupier 15 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 29/08/2024
Occupier 16 Maybush Gardens Badsey EVESHAM WR11 7YL 29/08/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Aidan Smyth WDC - Archaeology & Planning Advisor 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Cllr Philippa Capel Badsey & Aldington Ward 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Emergency Planning and Projects Officer WDC Projects and Emergency Planning 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Environment Agency West Area Planning 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Highways County Highways 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Housing Team - WDC Housing - WDC 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Jackie Godfrey-Hunt West Mercia Police, Design Out Crime Officer 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Jo Hall NHS Clinical Commissioning Group 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Matt Barker MHDC & WDC Carbon Reduction Project Officer 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Mr R Cooper & Mr J Jennings Hereford & Worcester Fire Service 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Mrs E Marshall Landscape Officer 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Mrs S Hiscock Natural Heritage Officer 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Ms A Evans Badsey Parish Council 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Policy Plans - General Policy Plans - General 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Sufficiency and Place Planning Worcestershire Children's Services 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
WCC LLFA Planning Consultation WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 22/08/2024 12/09/2024
Worcestershire & Herefordshire LMC Ltd Local Medical Committee 22/08/2024 12/09/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
Section 106 Agreement
Surface Water: Low 1 in 1000 extent
SWDP 11: Vale of Evesham Heavy Goods Vehicles Control Zone
Surface Water: Medium 1 in 100 extent
Policy Case HLA - PAR/06/73/HOU. Catsbury, 68 Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham, WR11 7XQ. 106 TIED TO HORT. Open Market. Small windfall (HLA only)
Wind Turbines
Paper: Evesham Journal - Thursday
Agricultural Occupancy condition may apply: W/04/01563/OU
Enforcement Notice: IN/95/00175
SWDP 2: Development Boundary
Policy Case HLA - WDC/533/HOU. Land off Kingshurst Drive and the rear of 66, Bretforton Road, Badsey, Worcestershire, (WR11 7XQ nearest post code for 66 Bretforton Road).. Full planning application for the development 21no. residential dwellings together with associated accesses, parking and landscaping subsequent application granted on appeal 21/01836/FUL.. Affordable; Open Market. Large windfall (HLA only)
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance
PD Rights Removed may apply: W/04/01563/OU - Site Rear of, 68 Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham, WR11 7XQ
No associated appeals