Application Number W/24/01978/CU
Status Pending Decision
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Application Number W/24/01978/CU
Location Address The Furrows Main Street Aldington Evesham WR11 7XB
Proposal Full Planning Application for the change of use of land for the siting of 9no. log cabins for holiday lets.
Status Pending
Application Type Change of use
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 01/10/2024
Application Valid Date 16/10/2024
Consultation Start Date 05/11/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 05/12/2024
Advert Expiry 05/12/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Gemma Smith
Parish Aldington
Ward Badsey & Aldington Ward
Applicant Mr J Thomas
Agent Miss Natasha Blackmore da Silva, Sheldon Bosley Knight
Agent Address Stratford Business&Technology Park Banbury Road Stratford-Upon-Avon CV37 7GZ

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Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
Aldington Residents Association Abbots Barn Mill Lane Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YQ 04/12/2024
Andrew Ogg 1 Hillside Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YB 27/11/2024
Andrew Pitt 152a Upper Welland Rd Malvern WR144LA 03/12/2024
Bryn tomes 18 Sycamore Avenue EVESHAM WR11 1YE 27/11/2024
Carl Evans Half Acre Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 02/12/2024
Carol Love Chapman Barn Mill Lane Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YQ 02/12/2024
Charlie 75 Broad Marston Road Broad Marston Pebworth STRATFORD UPON AVON CV37 8XT 21/11/2024
Christopher Stoodley Aldington Manor Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 04/12/2024
Cynthia Balls The Swallows Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 04/12/2024
David Ledamun Rose Cottage Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 24/11/2024
Donna De Freitas Pires Vale View Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 02/12/2024
Dr Ronald Knight Marriot House Mill Lane Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YQ 03/12/2024
Graham Mccombie 3 Manor Gardens Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YA 20/11/2024
James Love Chapman Barn Mill Lane Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YQ 02/12/2024
Jane Bayes 5 The Hop Gardens Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YD 25/11/2024
Jody Bennett 4 Hillside Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YB 29/11/2024
Karen Drinkwater 8,Hidcote Road, Ebrington. Chipping Campden GLOS 03/12/2024
Mark gledhill 5 Hillside Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YB 27/11/2024
Mary Ann Janet Simpson Greenbank Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 30/11/2024
O Stoodley Aldington Manor Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 04/12/2024
Ricky Dore 8 Hillside Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YB 28/11/2024
Ronald Griffin Orchard View Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 02/12/2024
Rosemary Blyth Rose Cottage Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 18/11/2024
Rosemary Blyth Rose Cottage Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 04/12/2024
Steve Miller Highlands Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 24/11/2024
Steve Miller Highlands Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 02/12/2024
Steven French The Old House Village Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YE 02/12/2024
terry sinclair 12 sands lane, badsey 02/12/2024
Tracey Hewlett Brock House Mill Lane Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7YQ 27/11/2024
Carl Evans Half Acre Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Clive Shepherd Mileaway Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 24/11/2024
Mairi-Jane McQueen Beeholme Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 25/11/2024
Mr Philip Cordelle Lokos Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 25/11/2024
Mr Sheehan Tree Tops Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 25/11/2024
Occupier Granny Annexe At Lokos Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024
Occupier Tower View Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024
Steve Miller Highlands Main Street Aldington EVESHAM WR11 7XB 05/11/2024 24/11/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Cllr Mark Ward Badsey & Aldington Ward 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Highways County Highways 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Jonathan Brierley Open Spaces Society 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Mrs E Marshall Landscape Officer 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Mrs S Hiscock Natural Heritage Officer 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Ms A Evans Aldington Parish Council 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Ramblers Head Office The Ramblers' Association (Worcestershire Area) 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Worcestershire County Council (Public Paths) 05/11/2024 26/11/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance Worcestershire Regulatory Services 05/11/2024 26/11/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
CIL008 - Non-Urban Area
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
Public Right of Way: Type- Footpath. Path No- AL-507 B
Wind Turbines
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
SWDP 2: Development Boundary
SWDP 11: Vale of Evesham Heavy Goods Vehicles Control Zone
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance
Paper: Evesham Journal - Thursday
No associated appeals